had three Toulouse goslings two female one male. Lost one female within 30 hrs of arrival from metzers farm. I thought that it was due to shipping or stress. This evening returned home and brought them out for a romp in the yard before it got dark and noticed my other female was lethargic and rocking and walking backwards did some research and was suggested to use a health pack. So bought save a chick electrolyte and vitamin tried giving it to her by dropper she won't drink it so I placed her in some warm water thinking she might need to poop and that she may drink from swimming water . She did drink and poo but she even swam backward. She is currently almost completely limp and lethargic unless I make a noise she will lift her head up. I haven't seen her eat this evening but she is still pooping regularly and my wife saw her eating today. It just came on so quick. They hatched Sunday the fourth of June their bedding is pine shavings they are eating purina starter crumbles when th 20 percent protein have a brooder light at the right temp. Male is fine and happy and running around but so was my female yesterday. Please help