Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

Thats Bill the gander lol hes one of the dominent ones he beats up my tufted gander who is twice the size of him lol
Yea i kind of wish she had some white on her neck. Her 3 siblings only had white wing tips she was the only one with a white breast and sides along with half white wings. They went home with a lady who came her to buy 3 pure chinese, she was a purest until she met those 3, fell in love and bought them instead lol
Here are Stormy's siblings


8 they are so cute with that tuff on their head... This is rare but I seen a Sebastopol with a tuff on it head was really cute.

I took all eggs out of all nest this past week and they had all been frozen so had to dispose of them. Today went out and already have two new eggs. So I am beginning to collect eggs now to start incubating. There is another nest out there with several eggs laid in it over night... So more than one female is laying in that nest. I have several nest in that pen and they all want the same nest....
One of my girls ahs already went broody because of all the eggs she seen in the nest. I have no idea if any of those will hatch or not???
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cloud looks dark haha they look like triplets

If you havent guessed yet, there was a theme going on. All of them hatched during a really bad storm, between trying to keep the electric on and the humidity going up and peep sounds coming left and right i was kept on my toes that night. So i had Stormy, thunder, lightning, cloud, rain and hail. Rain and Hail are two pure chinese one pied one white i kept them and with Stormy as their buddy they became the "weather front" trio lol
, this is Stormy stretched out after she was put in the brooder because it was so hot that night. The light isnt a heat lamp either

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