Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

As it's Monday I thought I'd treat you all!

Lucy and my JRT, Lottie have been getting very friendly. I've been keeping them apart not knowing what Lotties intentions were and worried Lucy would get hurt. They seemed to be ok so I gave in a little and gave them a few (heavily supervised) seconds and caught this cute little video!

That's if it works!
As it's Monday I thought I'd treat you all!

Lucy and my JRT, Lottie have been getting very friendly. I've been keeping them apart not knowing what Lotties intentions were and worried Lucy would get hurt. They seemed to be ok so I gave in a little and gave them a few (heavily supervised) seconds and caught this cute little video!

That's if it works!
Sweet baby!
I looked up Chinese geese at a few hatcheries and they listed them as poor for egg hatching abilities. Do any of you have Chinese? Are they good brooders and mothers? Or will I need to purchase an incubator for next year?

Thats not true at all! 2 years ago my chinese female brooded out 8 goslings out of 11 eggs and that same year in autumn she brooded again and only hatched 5 out of 7 they are also goodmothers and she was 8 years old until a fox got her last year :/
But it also depends on the personality also off the goose but all my female chinese brood from first year so :)
Update! Bonnie has 9 (nine) NINE eggs now!! I left her with two, so this eggsiting!!!
Today,I allowed the geese to venture out of their apartment to mingle, because Bonnie clearly knows the kennel box is her nest. How do I know, besides the eggs? She ADDED nesting stuff to the shavings!
One of my mutt ducks, Baby, (Mallard/Cayuga mix all black) was in there like normal when I leave the pen open.....Bonnie noticed and attacked. Hard! She chased her out, grabbed Baby's wing and continued to chase for about 10 feet before letting go. Meanwhile Clyde was going NUTS cuz he could see this but could not jump high enough to clear the six foot fence, and was forced to walk through the door of the pen, just like the rest of us. He was "hopping mad" and now I know where that phrase comes from.

I am thrilled to say maybe in a month I, too, will have fuzzy little butts to show off! I will be picking one to wrap in a diaper....a girl no doubt. They are Pilgrim geese so it should be obvious. :weee

Have babysitter for no charge :)
Handy out

Very handy! My GS/GD mix still sees the flick as toys or lunch, but I have to say yesterday he was impressively good. He went past the open " fence" after I told him to go back to his side of it, ....after I opened the coop and walked away. Now, the opening of this temp fence is right next to the coop door, so I get why he crossed that invisible line.
So. I was across the yard 100 fee?....and sent him back. Then I told him to DOWN and he did....then he STAYED that way the entire time I fed everyone, and while chickens were flying down from perches and crash landing about ten feet in front of him....again, he had an open fence he could have walked through. He stayed, which is what I want no matter what happens until I released him. He got lots of praise for that, so we are on track for him to be allowed to come out with me without being glued to my side!
Ironically, I can have my vicious (said tongue in cheek) Pitbull mix out there unsupervised and no one will get hurt. She may eat their food though....I used to have my Champagne (born pigeon toes and with a wry neck, so slow moving) drake in the yard with her all day. Champagne liked her, and shae wanted nothing to do with him, so the drake got smart and would go grab her toy which would get to come close and take it back....and he would attempt to follow her. Very cute.
Pyxis, you do have a mirror in there with her, don´t you?  
My geese will sit for two days on their nest if there are eggs still to hatch, sometimes longer, and the gander looks after the hatchlings.  so lovely to see.
Did you put them in at the same time?  Are they different breeds to make a difference in hatching time?  Or it be that it needs to lose some weight to hatch?
What about "Sorbet"? :lol:

Yes, she has a mirror, she's just not fooled! She'll sit by it for a little bit, then start crying for me to come get her. And she's always talking - the only time she's quiet is when she's sleeping!

And nope, both are sebastopols, both set the same day. Her egg was a lot smaller than the egg that has yet to hatch so I don't know if that makes a difference. It's still alive and moving in there, but no internal pip as of yet. I had to lock down my silkies with it today which I would have liked to avoid. I'm worried it'll hatch and break a silkie egg on accident :/
Yes, she has a mirror, she's just not fooled! She'll sit by it for a little bit, then start crying for me to come get her. And she's always talking - the only time she's quiet is when she's sleeping!

And nope, both are sebastopols, both set the same day. Her egg was a lot smaller than the egg that has yet to hatch so I don't know if that makes a difference. It's still alive and moving in there, but no internal pip as of yet. I had to lock down my silkies with it today which I would have liked to avoid. I'm worried it'll hatch and break a silkie egg on accident
No, it won´t break an egg.
And of course, it´s because of the size of the eggs, that makes sense. Well I hope your other seb hatches successfully and soon!!

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