Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

Went downstairs to check on the geese like I do every hour or so, Lemon (The Embden) was dead. No idea what happened. They don't just die like that do they? The others were running around and playing with their water and he was just against the wall of the brooder dead. Ideas?? I'm so mad, and sad, and kicking myself for not noticing if something was wrong with him. Was there anything I could've done?
I'm so sorry
Thank you they all hand feed but still hate being held!!!
Mine love it when I feed them treats by hand. You do have to be careful though or they will take you fingers as well. They don't seem to understand where the treat ends and my hand begins.

I suspect the only way a goose will like to be held is if it is held several times a day from birth. Even then, when they grow up and have families of their own, they want you to stay away and let them be grown ups. Sort of like human children who grow up and have their own families.
Mine love it when I feed them treats by hand. You do have to be careful though or they will take you fingers as well. They don't seem to understand where the treat ends and my hand begins.

I suspect the only way a goose will like to be held is if it is held several times a day from birth. Even then, when they grow up and have families of their own, they want you to stay away and let them be grown ups. Sort of like human children who grow up and have their own families.
I have an old enamel pot I use it has a handle gotta keep away from those teeth.
If everything goes right, Stormy should be a mom by this time next week. I decided since she was broody that i would let her raise the goslings. So i slipped the 4 eggs ive been incubating under her.
I just dont have the time to raise them myself. There is nothing better than having goslings imprinted on you and depending on you but i have my own featherless gosling already doing that lol and with all the ducklings its better that Stormy raise them for me.
Hopefully all goes well. Out of the 4 eggs I know that 3 are good but the other one was iffy i think it may have quit. Should have a couple goslings though.

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