Goslings of 2015 Hatch-a-Long

I've not seen that. My best guess would be absorption and position of the baby. If it hasn't externally pipped I would at least make an air hole, since it's full term.

Sadly both eggs didn't make it. They must've died just before I put the air hole in. Should have just done it and not waited. Lesson learned.
Haven't decided if we will keep them or not. I want them but can't breed them since all the geese I have are their parents. Wish I could trade them. haha All my adults are from Celtic Oaks exhibition dewlaps. The blood line on them is very good and no crosses. My grays are from gray line only and my buffs are the same way. My female grey is the offspring of the Florida state fair champ Gandalph . So they are nice babies but not sure what I will do with them.
have you contacted Celtic[Shellie] maybe she can do a swap with you if she has another blood line beside the one you have.
I have another egg that has internally pipped. This will be a grey from my grey pair. My grey was sitting on 8 eggs. I finally took them when i went to check on them and she had accidentally crushed one with a baby in it. 4 were not even fertile. 3 have good movement. Wasn't expecting any more really but we shall see. :fl

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