Got 5 new breeds today, anybody have advice for these?


In the Brooder
May 16, 2016
East County San Diego
Well I got 6 chicks last year and 1 was a rooster so I got rid of him (realizing now having a rooster around can be a good thing)
Lost 2 to a coyote which made me up the quality of my fencing.

So today I got:

2 Road Island Reds
2 Silkies
2 Golden Sex Linked
2 California Grey
2 Orphingtons

I currently have years old

1 White Leghorn
1 Ameracauna
1 Black Sex Linked (My favorite)

Anybody experienced with those top 5 breeds? I'm pretty excited.
Congrats on your new additions. With the exception of the silkies your new breeds are not really different (except in appearance) from the breeds you already have, so there isn't really any specific advice that you need in moving forward with them. The skilkies *may* have difficulty in your mixed flock due to the potential for being the target of picking and abuse (their feathering can impede vision and their personalities tend to be pretty submissive, so this can become an issue should your other girls decide to bully), so do keep an eye on that. Worst case scenario, you may need to house the silkies separate from the rest of the birds, but that is not a guaranteed thing, just something to keep in mind.

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