Got a wild egg but no brain to back it up

A little Daffy

Jul 26, 2019
South Florida
It's my first post so bare with me. I'll try not to make it too long.
I have Muscovies all around my house. About 2 years ago, Daisy developed what I believe to be bumble foot and struggled terribly so I made sure she was fed and taken care of. She since then has had 3 hatchings (not sure the technical term) and have brought them to my house. She visits every day, am and pm anyway.
Last month I found a nest she was on while out walking the dogs. All was good for a while until a predator found it and then 4 nights in a row I found cracked eggs shells about 5 ft. away. She was down to 6 eggs now and I figured if I didn't do something they would be found the same way. I took 4 home and left 2 (hoping Daisy wouldn't be upset.)
So, now I have 4 eggs. Don't know when she laid them. And no incubator or mamma to sit on them.
I know they were there on July 4 because I was worried about the fireworks in the neighborhood possibly having Daisy abandon her nest. I'm thinking she started "nesting" around July 1 which would bring a possible hatching time around Aug. 4 or so. I've had them for at least two weeks now. They all seem to have a good air pocket except one, which looks small. I have "flashlighted" them (candeled) and can see movement on 3 of them. One moves more than the others.
Keeping the temp accurate seems impossible. I bought a heat lamp but temps go from 82 to 98 (give or take) and I keep turning them (big side up) twice a day.
Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong, right or need to do? I've read so much on here and other places and it's coming down to the wire.
Thanks in advance!
Check your laws, it's almost certainly illegal to take eggs from wild birds.
She isn’t going to take them back. Your stuck being duck mama until they are fully feathered and then it’s going to be hard getting them back into the feral community. Sorry I have Muscovy ducks unless they hatch and raise they don’t see them as theirs
An incubator is definantly more ideal than a heat lamp if you ask me. Heat lamps are not designed to hatch eggs so the babies could die really fast. If I were you I would try to get my hands on an incubator for hatching so their eggshells aren’t dried out. But good job saving them!
Also consider that in your area, this is an invasive species. I don't recommend adding to the population.
An incubator is definantly more ideal than a heat lamp if you ask me. Heat lamps are not designed to hatch eggs so the babies could die really fast. If I were you I would try to get my hands on an incubator for hatching so their eggshells aren’t dried out. But good job saving them!

Thank you, Farmer! Seems like I will need one if not for these then for future rescues.

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