Got birds for free... What are they?

You guys are helping me out so much! When I picked the hens up, the guy ran through what he thought they were with me. I believe he told me all of the tans and dark red one were Rhode Island Reds… From doing a little research I find out that is not true! And I believe he told me #4, was an Americana.
I am fairly confident that the majority of my chickens, if not all are crossbreeds to a certain extent. Which might be why I was having a hard time deciphering what breeds they actually are.

You have a nice mixed flock. Aren't all the different colored eggs pretty?

First is a speckled Sussex, she'll be giving you the lighter tan/cream eggs, in my experience
The next two were quite likely sold to the person you got them from as RIR, but that was incorrect. They're generic Red hatchery birds, one is likely a sex link (but if I go back to page 1 to look, I lose what I've already typed and I'm too lazy to re-type it

The last two are Easter Eggers, probably sold to the person you got them from as Ameraucana, just as the red hens were called Rhode Islands. At least one of them are your blue egg layers.
What do you think they are, then? That's what they look like to me... and he says he's getting blue eggs, so that means SOMEONE'S an Easter Egger, lol. The 4th at least seems to have a bit of a beard, which would definitely suggest an EE. 
yes 4 def does have alot of ee in her but 5 silver sussex X silver campine ive been a chicken specialist in breeds and selection for 3 1/2 years

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