Got Bit!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 8, 2010
Hey Guys, I've heard of the swine flu but never the chicken bug. Well, I've caught it! I've been reading the boards for a couple of weeks now and yesterday, I took the plunge and went and bought 5 Rhode Island Red chicks. I am in love with them. I never knew a baby chick could be so interesting. They crack me up. I'm sure these are just the first of many. I've never lived somewhere that I was able to keep anything outside. I have the room now and am going wild. I will be able to free range during the day and put up at night for protection. Right now, I'm using a very simple brooder made out of a rubbermaid container, light, feeder and waterer. They seem to be happy enough for now. I have an outbuilding that is insulated so it works well to put the brooder in. In the future, I want to make it into a coop and have a run built on the side. I want to free range as much as possible but need the piece of mind knowing they can have space if I don't want them out. I'll hopefully have some pics soon. I've gotten a ton of great ideas from the message boards. Thanks to everyone. Soon, I want to find some hatching eggs for the bator. If anyone around East Tennessee has some extras, let me know. I hope to get to know all you regulars here as I plan to keep up with your posts, lots of great info here. Feels good to be part of the chicken family. God Bless.
and here's to many more years of chicken addiction for ya!!
I got bit too! And Bad! BTW... make sure your coop is bigger than you want right now cause I am positive you will need more room in the future.

From MN!
I'm sad to tell you ... there is no cure .... I went from 4 to 7 to 22 in seven days. It spreads rapidly, and invades your heart, incapacitates your brain and causes random chick purchases that you can't control.

You find your vocabulary skills reduced to "ooooooohhhhhh" "awwwwwwwwww" and other random garbled baby talk. And you eventually find it easier to just speak chicken.

I'm so sorry .... <hahaha ... not!>
I certainly have it myself. For over 4 1/2 years I've had it.
Now I'm hoping and praying that Chili or Pepper or both go broody 'cause they have baby chicks at TSC right now as I type this. I'm determined to stay away from there until I have a broody hen.

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Thats good advice 4 LOVE. I was thinking about stopping at TSC on the way home to see if theirs came in yet but I'm sure it would result in a purchase. Guess I should drive on by tonight and save my marrige for another day.

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