Got chicken stories?

That just sucks.
Yeah that's alright. I don't have to deal with it anymore,just feel bad for all the kids that do.

Okay so I got another one! We have this beloved chicken named Tiny. So named that because she was hatched premature and was just so teeny tiny. We didn't think she was going to live but amazingly she did. She was so friendly she was like a dog, following people around, sitting on their laps, talking to them. Just a really great chick. Well as tiny grew up my little brother thought he would teach her to fly. Yeah Right! This basically consisted of two things-throwing her up in the air -and- setting her in really high places that she had no choice but to "fly" (meaning fall) from! I asked and asked and asked my little brother to stop and eventually he did but there was one catch.

One day I walked into the coop and here comes tiny I thought to say hello, but then she just starts attacking my feet!! Hard!! I left and tried again thinking I had scared her but alas she continued to peck me! This went on for a few days and then I figured out what the problem was. My little brother ALWAYS wore sandals and what was I wearing when she attacked me......sandals!!! Sneakers and everything was fine!!!
Look back and you'll see the story I told about my Silver Wyendotte, onyx, that flew out of the brooder and onto a high counter.
Well, a few days ago she and another one of my chickens were free-ranging in my backyard(there is still a little bit of snow), when the other chicken started walking back to the coop, onyx was seperated from her by a pile of snow
. Suddenly, onyx let out a cluck and started running towards the snow pile. then she jumped last second and FLEW
over the pile of snow. I'd say she went 3' in the air and flew about 8' over the pile. Then, plop! she landed a good 1' in front of my other chicken, who looked at onyx with a puzzled look on her face
. oh, to see onyx fly!
Hahaha! And people say chickens don't fly! That little Onyx can sure show them!!!

I like the chickens on the muppet show and sesame street!(Yes I still watch Sesame street! Super Grover is just to cut and fluffy to resist lol!!!)
lolol!! I wonder if big bird is a chicken lolololololol!

no, really, though, I have never known

ONE MORE POST AND THIS THREAD WILL HAVE 50 POSTS!!!!! I hope to get a thread that has 100+ posts on it, and this one's the closest at 49. my others are:
Who can answer these BYC questions I've got? which has 21 posts(I still have a few unanswered questions)
Please Help ASAP!!! Blue Cochin missing feathers, the rest of them chewed!!!:O which has 6 posts(PLEASE HELP!!!!)
Realm of the Ninja: an epically awesome RPG(only for the most daring!) which has 4 posts(Please Join!!! Needs players!!)
Realm of the Ninja: The Realm ~needs players!~ which has 3 posts
The Cinnamon Game!!!!! which has 3 posts(needs players!!)

Please post on all of them!!! I hope to get at least 50 posts on all of them!!
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Actually that's a really good question!! Can't believe I never thought of that!!! So it's raining here and remember my silkie named Gorilla I told you about? Well he just doesn't get the concept of going inside when it rains and he literally looks like a rat when he is all wet! I remember the first time I saw him after a rain and I thought he was one of the chicks 'cause he was just so small! I need to get him a hat with an umbrella on it!

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