Got chicks in the coop and its raining. ( NOW PLEASE )


10 Years
Jan 16, 2010
Ok guys. I have my week and 3 day old chicks in the big-chick coop . They've really taken to it.. don’t worry I have a lamp in there although I had to sum splicing of extension cords and it took 2 extension cords one I had to splice with the wire from a non working lamp and one of the electrical cords with the multi socketed things in the coop to connect to the lamp. It’s a little rainy now in fact a lot rainy. And they seem to be keeping warm but huddling under the lap next to each other. Now please take note the lamp has a dial. It was one in the incubator and got it as hot as 116 degree just turning it on. They like to explore and I want to put another lamp in the other corner of the coop so that they can explore while staying warm. I spliced another wire this time it was an incandescent bulb in those lamp head that are in the ceiling fans I spliced and I connected and i plugged it in. It came on and then blinked then blew and dint come on after now the question is. ?? for the sake of Tequila and skittles shud i put another lamp in the coop ?
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Bahamas, I like you a lot. But that post is really hard to figure out, much less read. Please retype it, using punctuation, proper spelling and capital letters as needed?
Sounds like all those electrical splices came home to roost with a bit of a blowout. I think you need to be more careful with splicing extension cords and such, especially in the rain. Depending on whether the temperature is above 75 or so, the chicks should be fine as long as they aren't getting wet. If it's colder than that, I would bring them in. They are a little young for cooler temps. Please don't mess with those heat lamps in the rain!!
really..stop riggin up cords and go buy one that can be outside..put in one actual heat lamp and leave it at that,,they get cold they will come back to the heat 1 week old they dont need to be exploring anyway..

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