Got sand? You should!

I'm really interested in using sand! Can anybody tell me if there is anything "bad" about using it? Can you use it for all ages of chickens, chicks included? It sounds so easy to keep clean, almost too good to be true. There has to be a downside to it somewhere. Lol. Will it hurt them if they eat too much of it, and do they know when to stop eating it. Any help is appreciated!
So I actually posted in #233, but this thread seems a bit more observed and may be able to better assist the question. Sorry to those for seeing a double post.

My situation... I have three types and not sure which to go with.

1. Creek Sand - (on the left) A local dry bed in my town I went to and scooped up some as a sample. I have no idea what it has in it. I do like the lighter color, so it doesn't get as toasty during our hot summers (Bakersfield, CA... already in the 90's). It's very dusty though, so not sure.

2. Rock Dust - (middle) Picked up a sample from the local dealer. A more coarse mixture, not sure if it will be easy to scoop the poo and not pick up a lot of the rocks with it?

3. Plaster Sand - (right side) Little to no dust. Also a finer mixture like the creek sand. Darker in color, so not sure if too hot on the little feet.

I don't have any nice "River Sand" that so many of you talk about. Apparently not a common thing in the desert?! I guess I could also do a sand carried by a big brand store (Home Depot or Lowes), but the local dealer is probably cheaper.

After reading this I tried sand. I have been using sand for a few weeks now and I am very happy. I use a calcium carbonate oolite sand that is very fine and soft. It is a little dusty but I didn't rinse it before use. It is easy to clean weekly and works nice for my tray system.
I would use the one on the left. The middle one is too rocky, I think it will be hard to clean/scoop. The one on the right doesn't seem to have any sand in it, just smaller pebbles. The one on the left looks "just right" ;) it has some small pebbles for grit and looks to be nice and sandy soft for good drainage.
I would use the one on the left.  The middle one is too rocky, I think it will be hard to clean/scoop.  The one on the right doesn't seem to have any sand in it, just smaller pebbles. The one on the left looks "just right" ;)  it has some small pebbles for grit and looks to be nice and sandy soft for good drainage.

What about the deep litter method? OH! You are talking coop - not run! Yes! Sand in the coop is awesome! We put linoleum down first - then sand - best chicken decision ever!
Scrubbed down my coop and run complete clean out from top to bottom, sprinkled diatomaceous earth everywhere, bought 34 bags of sand only used 8 will be returning the rest, but so far very happy! chickens seem to be doing great as well.
Im putting sand in my run today!! I started yesturday but only put alittle bit in to see how the chickens would react. But just the little bit i put in there makes it look 10 times better!!
I live right next to a quary/hunting perserve and asked if they sold sand, and he does!! He said he would bring a loader full over today for free!!!! Which is extreamly nice on his part because we havnt always gotten along.
So today i have to go buy some 2x6's and will be shoveling my heart out!! Wooo!!
Happy friday everyone!!!

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