Gotta do it.

Crow-ded house

May 2, 2016
Bartlesville, OK
Mr Toughie is a little over a year old and has fathered 7 babies. He was an ass as a baby but has gotten steadly worse. Nothing works and now has drawn blood twice this week on me. Saturday he will meet my .22. Hate to do it but he leaves no other choice. I am a great shot but hope my hands are steady enough to aim clean.
There are plenty of nice roosters that are getting culled every day. I myself had several that i despirately tried to find homes for and ended up culling them.
Nice roosters that i could pick up, were gentle with my hens and did not fight amongst themselves.
I however do not need more than 1 rooster.
I see folks on this site who try to gentle a monster rooster or afraid to enter their yard without a weapon of some kind.
Or those that are afraid to turn there back to one as they will get NAILED.
Dont feel bad. Your fella has lived more life than alot of good roosters get.
I definately see the good rooster tendencies in Silver Grey Dorkings and Americanas. I supose there are exceptions in all breeds though.
a bad rooster can and does rob alot of people from the real joys that come from having poultry.
Good for you and the decision you have made!
I'm up the road from you, north of Joplin. Wishing you good luck...and good aim!
Thanks. He is a bantam game or some folks call him rooster in stilts. His 4 sons are almost 5 mths and run frim me. Never tried to attack so matbe got moms temp. I have a almost 3 yr old Mr Spot barred who is just the greatest sweetest ever. Ringo is going on 6 mths and no problem. Mr Toughie is stingy with his girls. Will not tidbit for them and does not romance just takes them. A shame because we hand picked him as a baby at tsc and raised him like the others but he only gets worse. I tried all the tricks but now with blood drawing I am drawing a line.
Thanks. He is a bantam game or some folks call him rooster in stilts. His 4 sons are almost 5 mths and run frim me. Never tried to attack so matbe got moms temp. I have a almost 3 yr old Mr Spot barred who is just the greatest sweetest ever. Ringo is going on 6 mths and no problem. Mr Toughie is stingy with his girls. Will not tidbit for them and does not romance just takes them. A shame because we hand picked him as a baby at tsc and raised him like the others but he only gets worse. I tried all the tricks but now with blood drawing I am drawing a line.
Sounds like you're making a good decision about his future.
In many cases, good boys are born, not made. Jerks need that nice crock pot experience. It's possible to help a cockerel who tries something once or twice, but as you've seen, that bad ones just get worse!

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