Grain Freed Dog Feed Linked To Heart Disease!

And something else my vet informed me of is the way they process meet in certain foods can trigger a bad reaction. My dog gets an upset stomachWhenever I feed her chicken dog food but if I cook up a chicken breast and slice it up for her she’s fine. When I told Me that this she said she has the same problem and it’s the way it is processed. I never would’ve thought of that
One day I bought grain free cat food for my cat, because it was on sale. After a couple weeks of it, my cat began eating the chicken feed (100% grain) that I had set by the door waiting to take it out.
One interesting thing... my cattle dog puts out much different style poo than my lab crosses... different dogs will even process different meats differently. Some may do fine on lamb formulas while others will do better on chicken formulas.

And they do have preferences... I'm guilty of offering 2 side by side when I was considering switching. And out of 3 dogs, 2 preferred the new while one stuck with the old. So I buy both feeds and have for several years now! :oops: Two feeder side by side & one (crazy) dog won't eat out of them so she stand in front and boofs until we get her a scoop out into a bowl. Well... she has "moods", and sooo interactive. :love SO, I grabbed a fistful of each and let her sniff both sides real good and she nudged. I opened both hands and she ate the one she nudged. BUT, me being me.. I wanted confirmation so I repeated. :rolleyes: And she still ate her original choice. Other times she chooses the other food. Now I put a scoop of each in her bowl, side by side. :smack And I called the dog crazy! :p
Definitely. I guess it’s like humans. Things are going to affect different dogs in different ways or not at all. I have one dog that is picky. But I have one dog that will eat anything. I mean anything. Nothing can be on the counter with and her reach and until we got the cabinets replaced she was able to figure out how to open the cabinet and get what she wanted. Luckily not my dogs with allergies. One day I lifted her dog bed and she had stashed half a bag of potato chips and a part of a head of lettuce from the night before under her dog bed. Oh in the phonebook. I think all dogs are crazy

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