grainy crop


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 24, 2010
i noticed my hen has a grainy but soft crop after free ranging. she was under the deck eating dirt and rocks. is this normal?
I was wondering the same thing a few days ago! I just happened to feel my Australorp's crop, and it felt like it was full of little tiny beads. I figured it was just chicken feed though. Since chickens don't have teeth, it makes sense that feed would just kind of hang out undigested in the crop for a while. I think later in the digestion process it's ground up.
Uh, I wish I could tell you the answer, but I just posted this exact question minutes ago!! My Ameraucana has a huge, but soft crop...and it does feel grainy, like there are little beads in it! Must be food. Will this go down?

Can you tell I'm new to keeping chickens?

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