Gramcracker's coop.

Oh, home made bread.....i love making bread(s)...... nothing better......
Won't buy store bread, expensive and doesn't taste good.
I make most of my own bread...but haven't lately, picky about my flour and have been too lazy to do the travel needed to get it. Store bought isn't as good, but nice to have some variety. Too hot to bake bread here with no AC anyway.
I make bread 3 loaves at a time freeze two BF loves his home made dinner rolls and bread went to a new friends where I am buying feed for the chickens he gets it out of Idaho We live in Washington
this is in Sandpoint Idaho quite a ways away so we drive two hours to him he brings it in allows a few of us to buy from him so he can use it also
I make most of my own bread...but haven't lately, picky about my flour and have been too lazy to do the travel needed to get it. Store bought isn't as good, but nice to have some variety. Too hot to bake bread here with no AC anyway.

No AC can make a difference especially if you live in a city or town. We didn't have any for years here in MO but I lived in the country on top of a hill with huge trees on the South side and lots of fans. Wasn't too bad as we were adapted to it then. Used to get pretty dang hot canning though.

I switch around some on breads but when I do I eat too much.. Making my standard today with stone ground whole wheat, ground flax seeds, rough ground sunflower seeds: it does take some sugar, sorghum or molasses to get it to rise and be light with the whole grain and seeds. I've made bread since I can remember- My great gramma taught me not my mom. My mom wasn't a very good cook. I'm very much into natural foods and eat almost no processed foods. For me making bread is simply part of what I do, doesn't take much time: just means being around my house.

Most of the trim is cut, waiting on some to re-measure once I get this up. 2 sides painted and waiting for it to dry. I'm doing one coat of paint before assembling it to protect it from rain before I get it done. The second coat after it's put together.
I make bread 3 loaves at a time freeze two BF loves his home made dinner rolls and bread went to a new friends where I am buying feed for the chickens he gets it out of Idaho We live in Washington
this is in Sandpoint Idaho quite a ways away so we drive two hours to him he brings it in allows a few of us to buy from him so he can use it also

I went to their site, they sound wonderful! I would love to find someone here locally who would have high quality feed. One person on here referred me to feed store not to far that has higher quality chicken feed than avail here in the metro and am going to go up there soon. My 50# pound bag of chick feed is half full so will try some grower from there, hopefully affordable organic.
what i like most it is not so ground to be powder for chicks maybe fine but
my hens I wanted a something more like I would say we fed as a child because we never bought "chicken food"
what i like most it is not so ground to be powder for chicks maybe fine but
my hens I wanted a something more like I would say we fed as a child because we never bought "chicken food"

I will have to try some that I find in our area. I never had chickens growing up so nothing to compare it to.
Not so hot today but we had 8 inches of rain a few days ago so the sun is turning the wet ground into steam. Working on the coop. The 4x4 walls have the window cut out and the place for the nest box, the smaller siding pieces are up and some of the trim. I'm waiting for paint to dry so I can put most of the rest up. I'm enlarging the access door as I keep bumping my head on the cross bar that would have been the top of the door. Decided that had to go. Pain to do as my electric tools won't fit and 3 inch deck screws. I'll post a photos of the progress when I quit for the day.
Not so hot today but we had 8 inches of rain a few days ago so the sun is turning the wet ground into steam. Working on the coop. The 4x4 walls have the window cut out and the place for the nest box, the smaller siding pieces are up and some of the trim. I'm waiting for paint to dry so I can put most of the rest up. I'm enlarging the access door as I keep bumping my head on the cross bar that would have been the top of the door. Decided that had to go. Pain to do as my electric tools won't fit and 3 inch deck screws. I'll post a photos of the progress when I quit for the day.

have figured I will need to replace my geodesic with a wood coop before too long not sure it will make it a third year so will let you know we intend to 10 x 16 as I have 18 hens in there
Geodesic coop how cool. For years I wanted a dome house and had books of plans for them. I actually looked for a coop dome plan but didn't find one. Decided it would take a miter saw which I don't have anyway.

I didn't get as far as I had hoped. I forgot I still had trim to cut and paint so worked on that, cut the openings in the solid 4x4 walls. More to do today and a trip for a few more trim pieces as a couple split and another post support for the run--had missed counted how many I needed. Then to measure the doors and one north window that will need a wood cover.
my coop is geodesic made of pvc with a series of hubs we had a regular door on it that proved to be too heavy and the hubs are all leaning in now pvc is starting to bow.. we knew they where not the end answer but a good stop gap problem is they have 17 square foot diameter coop

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