Granny's gone and done it again


Apparently similar in England, maybe it is genetic. I never understood drinking to get drunk. What is the point other than emptying your wallet and not remembering doing it?
And feeling like rubbish in the process when the after affects kick in, brain dead gormless is how I see it. Coming from a long line of farming stock alcohol has never been a big feature down through the generations, a sherry or two at Christmas time may be had by the women and a whiskey or two by the men, outside of that it just wasn't consumed during the course of the rest of the year, very glad I come from that approach to alcohol, I wasn't predisposed to it as so many are in this day and age, because yes I tend to think along the same lines of 'genetic'.
Hmmm, here summer starts on June 20/21 and winter on Dec 20/21 - the solstices. I wonder why it is different in New Zealand. Is it that way in Australia too?
Yes, all seasons same for Australia, down under I don't think much notice is taken of the solstices, probably as neither nation is really drenched in that kind of history, NZ isn't much older than a couple of hundred years from it's discovery and it's certainly never been part of the original native narrative. I do enjoy Christmas though being in the summer period, I can't imagine returning to the UK for Christmas or having Christmas with snow, I just couldn't do it.

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