Granny's gone and done it again

Guessing life got busy. :/ hope everything is ok.

so my company rejigged the “vehicle use policy”. I will note I was not a part of this....for one the document is so horribly worded and formatted it makes my BigLaw self cringe and cry inside. One of our guys apparently took it to a lawyer friend and wrote up some changes on his...

how to tell boss folk that he’s right in this....Oi.
“But our insurance people and the vp looked at it!”

...yeah. About that. Stop. Just stop.
Good deal Star . Where did you buy them? I ended up getting some pretty plain cards. Looked for chickens or fish all I found was a snowy owl. They eat chickens so I passed on those. LOL a good 45 mins looking at cards til I just grabbed some.
Snowy owls are pretty and too far away to endanger our chickens! I nearly ran into a hawk that flew right in front of us!
I am currently the Oger Mom. Bob told the boys to do something when he was home in November. I was telling how the shop yard was flooding. When Bob looked on the cameras, he saw the boys had not done what he had told them. So he took all electronics away until they prove they can do what they are supposed to do.

Bob will be home sometime between the 20th and the 25th. I'm not in a good mood because A they failed to do what they were told to do weeks ago and I now have to enforce his punishment. He will, of course, give them back priveledges as soon as he is home cause you know he would have to actually parent if he doesn't.

Just makes me look like the mean mom as usual.
When you wake up before 4am and wonder if you turned off the water outside....Dangit.
Well? HAD you turned it off??

but I don't recall much about them other than they were my broodiest birds.
Which is why I don't have any, no rooster, nothing to hatch REALLY don't need birds that are broody. I have enough of those that aren't even listed as being broody types.

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