Granny's gone and done it again

Okay but it will be a few days. I'll have to buy zsquash.
If you take a walk in my neighborhood, you could get some fresh squash free. People put their extras out at the road to give away. I got some huge yummy lemons a few doors down.

We have loads of squash coming now. Good thing we are supplying 4 houses plus some friends at work. Hate to see it go to waste. Chickens don't like it unless it's cooked. Scooter loves it cooked.
How old should they be when they stop nursing Cap? 6 weeks ? I remember Campings goats getting the runs from change of diet. I dont know if it was milk or not. Do you remember that ?
Did she get them at an auction? I don't wean does until 12 weeks, but the boys get cut off around 7 or 8 weeks to lighten up the mother's load. I don't like having bone skinny does. If they have triplets I supplement feed with bottles, makes them very tame.

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