Granny's gone and done it again

Snakes are still dangerouser. :oops:

I'll have the heat in the house up to 65... Deal?? :highfive:

Tropical. Hubs had ours set to 60 this weekend. Grr.

Camping, wait. Scovies don't eat gophers do they?

Cause dear gracious if they do...TOO BAD HUSBAND WE'RE GETTING SCOVIES!!

Got a headache from hades today. Oi.

I think wishing said that? I didn't look into the gopher thing. But I remember enola saying she fed weak hatchlings to the drakes. One gulp and gone.
well I am "off" for a bit back latter I hope you all have a great day. TTFN
Twist, my dear man, you are "off" but I don't think it is a passing condition for you........

Sounds good! I made a coffee cake last night, wasn't paying attention & managed to burn it & under bake it all at the same time. It takes special talent to kill a coffee cake in such a way.

Sounds like yo have come to the right place, Granny has that same sort of special culinary skill.......

Thanks! Is there any pie here???

Welcome -- no pie here, but there is a batch of some pretty darn fabulous chocolate chip cookies in process in my kitchen as I type........stop by in about 20 minutes and you can have some.....

Well, hubs is ready to go, so I got to skedaddle. Be kind to as many creatures as possible. good karma.

I grew up like that. We lived close to nature. Spiders loved our old farm house!

Always such wisdom from you, Wishing! I find spiders to be rather fascinating creatures -- and the little fuzzy jumpers are too cute! Snakes are on my "okay" list too -- not too many creatures I don't care for --- well, mosquitos and ticks could go extinct today and I wouldn't be upset at all.

I never heard it scream, jsayin

LOL - you have to listen REAAALLLY carefully, their voices are tiny......
Nope. It's barely knee deep and very clear right now.

Check out the size difference!

Such happy lucky ducks !

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