Granny's gone and done it again

Dr offered to bring him a face shield in . He said no. He dont see the reason for wearing a bandana because it "wont work".
Yeah, it's a fine line. He needs to decide if seeing the dr is more important than preserving his rights. We are social beings and you sometimes have to compromise to be in society.

The bandana is not meant to work, it's a compromise that might allow him to see the dr.
I dont know what to do with him Star. Most everything I read including from the CDC says autism spectrum will find it the most difficult and they should discuss giving them a waiver from their drs.
Yes, that's the medical exemption I was talking about.
He says he isnt going to wear some stupid silly thing on his head just to appease them. They dont work, they violate his rights and he isnt going to live on his knees He is a free man and will stand tall. (when asking him about the face shield just now)
I like his spirit, but it's not very practical in this situation. Especially when so many people are scared.
I am scared. I wonder when he will bring it home to Tom. If Tom dies will he be able to live w/ himself? I cant ask him these questions because "the mask dont work". And maybe he is right, maybe we are all sheep. He is smart and has learned all he can about this. He wipes the buggys down and stays away from others. I just dont know what to do and really what to think about it all.

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