Granny's gone and done it again

There is no way to tell if a goldendoodle will shed or not, because they are mutts and they throw random genetic variants.

Thats why there are SO many doodles in the shelter. They started to shed because there is no way to tell with a F1 or a F2 or whatever they're calling them now.

the only doodles that don't shed are the ones that are mostly poodle, at at that point, why not get a poodle.
Listen to the dog expert ⬆️
I still laugh...when I went to adopt Peach, they asked how much I expected her to shed and if shedding would be a game breaker with me. I laughed and said I said she had the same coat as our last dog - so shedding would be a constant and I wasn't concerned, and was accepting of roving dog hair dust bunnies.

And now with my German Shedder....
Webinars are pupshausting. 3A2AB51F-74DE-42B5-84C5-E1CCD68FADDF.jpeg EF804A3D-C306-4B95-AE03-B6B06F12C626.jpeg

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