Granny's gone and done it again

Last spring I took a shop vac to all the coop walls & ceilings, not the floors. Those I pooped scoop. I've gotta sign out & restart my phone. The gremlins are back, bbs

Ha ! I bought one for that . Used it once, went to dump it and a mouse jumped out ! I screamed and the whole thing went to the garbage.
Oh H*LL no, just means it's not being used enough

Sorry about your Marans loss Wishing. Did you know that your Lola shared the same names as Pam's mom?
Yes! Whatever Lola Wants...

Sorry Granny & Wishing, I'm going to bail on you. Rebooting didn't get rid of the gremlins. Going to quit while I'm ahead. Good night, love you & sweet dreams
Have a good sleep!
Poor Frosty, pup goes around all day with her tail in his mouth. Where she leads, he follows. Star dont have a tail so no worries there. I woke up sometime in the middle of the night with frosty frantically licking my hand. She is the only one I allow in the bed with me . I am trying to figure out what her problem is when I found it, I had a death grip on her tail ! She forgives me.

Mornings, I have been awake since 4:30. It is going to be a long day.

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