Granny's gone and done it again

The ones with yellow heads feather out like this:

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They are "self-blue," or lavender in color, basically EE but I think they are beautiful, and may be the closest I get to pb Ameraucanas. Good enough for me! Can't wait! She has another 15 in the incu to hatch next Saturday, straight run of course. What I can't keep I will try to sell. I'm excited, road trip!
There we go! Going to be beautiful.
You like the blues..looks like could be splash? Yellow on head predicts splash at times.
Cool, did not know that. We'll see!

Just let some of the green bean pods dry, (however many you think you need) and then use those seeds for next year.
If they are hybrids, not heritage types, they won't breed true and may not produce at all. Is why you can't plant corn seed from corn you get at the grocery store. Everything's hybridized these days. Produce one crop and that's it. I suspect that's why we're all sick and dying of cancer, our food won't grow food any more. Lacks the "essence of life" our bodies need to survive and thrive. We're poisoning ourselves.
There we go! Going to be beautiful.
Thanks, Cynthia. She can't believe I would drive so far for these. But I told her I'm not getting any younger and I don't want to look back some day and think, I wish I had ... when I can't any more. Ya know?
Thanks, Cynthia. She can't believe I would drive so far for these. But I told her I'm not getting any younger and I don't want to look back some day and think, I wish I had ... when I can't any more. Ya know?
Yes. Time goes by so fast and we never know. Glad you can do it.
What is it with people who don't get married? I have one son like that. I even sent him a ring owned by my grandmother so he could get it remade. They have a kid too. Sigh.
I don’t understand it either. Can cause lots of problems when one dies and nothing belongs to the other person.
I didn't think to count! My DH, son and DGS** are all very hearty eaters. And it was so good - the shredded BBQ "sloppy joe" I made out of half of it - that my DGD, DIL* and myself were not shy about it either. I'd say we all ate twice off of that at least. I sliced the other half and we made sandwiches out of it. We all ate very well off of that as well, and there was enough for our family to enjoy at least twice more after my son and his gf left! That's pretty much all we ate except for "haystacks" one night (meatless taco salad).

*Son's gf - easier to call her DIL though they are not married. They have been together 10 -12 years.
DGD Dear GrandDaughter, aka GirlChild, 22-yo, have been raising since she was 10 ...
DGS, Dear GrandSon, have had him since age 6, aka The Kid, now 17 and a junior in HS. Attends Seventh-day Adventist academy in Centralia, MO, gets home leave every 4th (?) week; we drive up to St Louis to get him off the bus on the Sunday and take him back the following Sunday. Makes it a 3-hr drive each way instead of 6, if we had to go all the way to the school.
When you don’t eat meat I bet you really enjoy it when you get it.

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