Granny's gone and done it again

Sorry your in pain. Tom is doing the sport thing too but I have learned he goes to his room after he eats so dinner has been coming a little early around here.
It just makes me grumpy. If it gets really bad I can take pills for it. I don't like to take anything I don't need to.
How are you today , Granny?
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It was one of those days where you lie around the house waiting for it to cool off outside. Very boring, hubby was watching sports.:tongue I did a bit of quilting, but it is slow going.
Very grumpy, having a headache and joint pain every day gets old. And trying to get things done in the heat.

Oh, they saved a spot for me! :) Looks cozy

My knee after the fall in the barn a few days back.
View attachment 1869214

Went for a walk by the river with hubby and dogs. Got a tick. Just what I didn't need! It had already dug in.
Dang ticks. If they disappeared, would anything miss them, other than the tick borne diseases?

These big feet will be the end of me.
Big feet are good! They keep you from tipping over. My auntie has small feet for her height, and she has been hospitalized several times from all the falls she's had. Of course it might not be her size sixes... might be the vodka. :hmm


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