Granny's gone and done it again

Sounds good to me!
What's the word on school for the kids this year? Are they going to to have school at school? I'll be surprised if they start back up here in CA. The university system has already announced remote learning only for this fall. Glad my #2 will be in Montana... they are planning on holding as many in person classes as safely feasible.

I haven’t heard about the fall, but the school year is over for the spring. We did not participate in any online classes. DD was on A/B honor roll. Here it was optional to do the online school and you couldn’t make a grade lower than what you had in the classroom— if you did worse in online classes, then the classroom grades were used instead. We consulted a teacher friend and decided DD had enough stress and anxiety in her life.
Star, would you have to go back to Canada if you got a divorce ?
No. I’ve had my “restrictions removed” so I could easily stay here if I so desired. Though truth be told, as much as I’d miss my moms group and their kids, I wouldn’t stay here.
I have shovels ..
Did you say what kind of dog you were wanting ? Not that it matters really. Some are harder to train around chickens then others but seeing as how you will be the one doing the work I dont know how that would be a problem for anyone .
I’m looking at a German shepherd. (Hence the wanting to go for a reputable established breeder - they’ve been overbred) and with that, I want to go for working line, as they’re a little more...shall we say robust...than show line.
Get what you want. Does the breeder you are working with have a website?
Yep. I’m still on the fence - got a bit more homework to do but...
I like that they’re nice and local.

Anyway. Work tomorrow. Whee. See y’all on the flip flop.
Latest: Sunday afternoon

Note: once again, reporting from some lab tests has been delayed. Today's numbers are only a partial total.

The New Mexico Department of Health reports 32 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in San Juan County and one additional death. reports 1,344 total cases and 84 deaths after totals have been updated to reflect mistakes in previous reporting. Additionally, we are unable to report what portion of cases are reported on the Navajo Nation portion of the county due to that number seemingly not being reported by the Navajo Nation anymore.

Statewide, there are 5,938 cases and 265 dead from COVID-19 related causes.

There are 1,755 reported as recovered.


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