Granny's gone and done it again

I bought Robert a corned beef a month ago . Decided he would fix it tonight and it was rotted. I got sick. I made him take it outside after double bagging it.
Went in my room and about 6 of my guppies were in the process of dying. all the adults. WTH? I did a water change. Dont know what else to do.
Got bitty red ants in the brooder coop.
Fuuuuuuuuudge. I guess I’ll try sprinkling some de in there? Don’t know what I can use with bitties on the way. :/
Look up recipes for borax ant bait. You can put it in a can with small holes to let the ants in and the chicks can't get to it. They will carry the bait back and kill the whole nest. Might take a couple days, but it works!

I have a small one w/ chicken print made by a member here. Trying to remember whats in it but if it gets wet it will sprout. LOL
Flax seeds, I think. Full of oil which is why they hold the heat or cold. Or used to before they sprouted!! :D

welp, I got a lot done today. No mowing though. Tomorrow is drs for me. Robert trimmed up 2 trees for me that were desperate . It was more like 4 trees in one spot. I fixed some food, washed all but the silverware , set up a tank, cleaned a different tank. Im all itchy now from being outside . I hauled the limbs away and told him where to saw.
annnnnyyyyyway ..... yup
Hope you are going to be able to get up tomorrow!

Oops, S&N
Stanley Norbert, right? :gig

Hubby tried to light a fire in the big pile of wood he has been digging out of the big pile of wood and dirt behind the work shop. As usual, it was too much big logs, no medium branches , and a little small kindling. Not enough. Sigh. That's what he always does. So I got the chain saw and cut up some junk wood in the area near the chicken coop . And picked up 3, 5 gallon buckets of sticks. 3 mule loads of pieces of big branches. Guess what, the fire is burning!
I wonder if he does that on purpose so you will do all the work! 🤔

Sorry for your loss.
Thank you, and welcome to granny's. If you are reading through, you will find I lost another one. I got a lot of old hens. :hmm A few less now, I guess.
Actually fasting is now a new health thing To lower your blood sugar and reverse type 2 diabetes. I am doing 17 h fasts every day. Teaches your body to burn your fat.
I should do that! Right after I finish my bowl of ice cream. :D
I am hopeless!

We are very hot
It's terrible, and we aren't nearly as bad as inland like you. Supposed to start cooling Thurs and will be very nice Fri-Sun. Hope you get a little cooling too.

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