Granny's gone and done it again

Happy Tuesday everyone!
More hot dry weather for us. On fire watch again. So far so good.

Pain clinic was the only one that called me back today besides the heart drs. Still waiting on respite care and home helpers where my Nancy works
Heart drs told me once they get the approval it would only be a couple days for the cath. Wish they would get it over with all ready.
Maybe Nancy could get paid for respite care too. She would be the best person.

Cant stay, just wanted to wish everyone a good morning. I am off to the pain clinic.
Hope all goes well.

Noooo!! My coffee maker got fried!!!!
FA02BFAE-A8E3-45ED-9670-0E003F8A733B.jpeg what any good gosh give me coffee person would do. Boil water on the stove and pour it carefully in over top of the filter.
Hubs found the issue.
Starbucks Canada mug, ey?

I am mentally and physically exhausted. No wonder my MIL refused to have them at her place for so long. I love them but, any more than a week is too long.
All the rain and covid sure din't help the situation. I bet your g-kids will remember this visit, though. I think they had a ball! Will be memories they share with their own kids some day.
Happy Tuesday everyone!
More hot dry weather for us. On fire watch again. So far so good.

Maybe Nancy could get paid for respite care too. She would be the best person.

Hope all goes well.

Starbucks Canada mug, ey?

All the rain and covid sure din't help the situation. I bet your g-kids will remember this visit, though. I think they had a ball! Will be memories they share with their own kids some day.
Yes, fun on the farm!
Yes 4, thank goodness there won't be any more. The youngest one is still talking baby talk at 5 years old . He can't seem to say "S" or "L" in his words. When you tell him how to say it, he won't even try. And he is violent toward the other kids. When he hurts them, he laughs. Then his parents make him say sorry. That is not correcting the problem, he just keeps doing stuff. Like tonight. All of us were walking through the gate I put up today in Chicken City. He ran ahead and shut it in my face. I told him that was rude, and he gave me a raspberry . I spanked the kid. If I had it to do over , I would have spanked his bare butt. He jabbed his sister in the face with a bamboo stick today. I told him to put it down. Next thing I know, he has another stick.
I am on my last nerve with him and his gibberish. I can't understand why their mother seems unable to teach them to talk properly. She is home all the time.

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