Granny's gone and done it again

He is stable now but there was a time I was very afraid for him. He was in the hospital for a week blocked up but they managed to get the swelling down with steroids instead of surgery. My daughter not so lucky, she has had surgery a few times.
My daughter in law had the opposite, and was losing blood. Glad they figured things out for him, and yes, those darn meds can really mess with us in different ways.
Well, going to go lay down..well upright in my chair so I can breath. This thing keeps getting worse. I can't believe this cough. It's becoming chesty. Really hard to get it cleared. Ran a fever last night, now again tonight. Nights are always worse.
you need some cough syrup with codeine
I hope you feel better soon. :hugs
Im home honey! I found Tom a comforter a blanket and matching curtains. Sea foam green/blue. Very pretty and more masculine then the pink glittery curtains he has now. hahaha
Wind was blowing me all over the road . Was hoping walmarts would be slow but we couldnt even find a buggy. Robert finally found one outside, Wall to wall people.
Now I need to find Robert something. I have no idea for him.
Targets. For his gun and his bow. He needs a real target, not styrofoam. Also more arrows and maybe ammo.

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