Granny's gone and done it again

Great news... you got over it pretty quick. Everyone else is doing good?

The plants will liven up the new house.

I guess the virus is complying with the cdc guidelines. I’m still really congested and tired, but back to work tomorrow.

Still having thermostat issues. It’s like it goes into vacation mode… just blows cold air and gets to 40-50 in the house. I closed up the cats and plants in a room with a space heater last night. Dh and the kids were in a room with a space heater. I took a page from twist’s book and had a bunch of blankets and two dogs. Dh woke me up at some point to say that the heat was working. But this morning it’s back off. 🤷🏻‍♀️

The cats are in a kennel, so no worries about them with the plants.
If I could describe my morning in one word, it would be muddy. Luckily I didn't fall in mud this time, but I still managed to get muddy. The hose wasn't working for some reason, so I couldn't wash my hands. The members before our shift forgot to get out most of the feeders, and they were so muddy when I found them. But I made it out alive! Glad to be home. A few more sprouts have sprouted. Good morning guys!

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