Granny's gone and done it again

Sorry you had trouble sleeping Granny. Me too. Hubby not happy with the level of cleanliness in the house. I thought i did pretty good cleaning up. The older he gets, the more anal he is about smells and dust.i have never been a great housekeeper. Perhaps he thinks i should be as tidy as his mother. She has nothing else to do except tidy up because she is not able to go outside and be active. Any way, i guess i can designate one day a week to cleaning or do a certain amount each day if it's so important to him.
Ugh. He’s welcome to do some housework too if yours isn’t up to snuff. Just sayin.
Ugh. He’s welcome to do some housework too if yours isn’t up to snuff. Just sayin.
He does his share of chores. But my energy level has tanked, and i am lucky if i can get my animal chores done, let alone cleaning. Which i hate.
Getting ready to go to Danville. Shopping and ceramics class. Welcome escape.
fair enough.

Just got home. I will much as yeah, I don't enjoy driving that truck....the ac and having cupholders...makes the drive much more pleasant.

So I got a text out of the blue from Daisy's mom yesterday, inviting hubs and I over for dinner on Saturday and I thought to myself hmmm...what does she want.

Today I found out. They're doing some boating over labor day and suddenly her cousins are coming and instead of bringing their (cousins) own boat, they're all piling into their boat. Soo no room for Daisy. Can I take her for the long weekend?

Yep, that's my purpose to them. The dog keeper. Oh well, they have a blast together and they're both so tired after their weekends together lol
howdy all

was at farm Sunday mowing down leafy spurge, wormwood and canadian thistle in the big pasture was wearing a jacket as the temp didn't get over 60

Back at the farm yesterday big pasture (almost finished) temp 93*

Beth managed to lay/smother/kill a pup yesterday. It was Goober and 1/2 runt. The only bright part of that was at least it was a male this time.

Brother just called so guess its time to xbox.

Hang in there everyone.

Sweet Dreams, fuzzies and Prayers
Sorry about losing one. I have a soft spot for runts.

Yup, also why I like em. The one that we have here is still a small little guy though..doubt he could eat much of anything. I sometimes see him drink from the chicken waterer. We call him Kenny.
He could eat a baby rattler!

wow, I dont know if they still do that now. Cord was wrapped around both of mine . around the necks.
My #2 had a knot in the cord. Loose knot, thank heavens.
I think Robert has lymes. He was feeling bad for 2 days and he has a small bullseye on his thigh. Small like the size of an eraser.
Did he see or feel a tick there? Tick has to be attached 36 hrs or more to transmit Lymes.


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