Granny's gone and done it again

Did you tell the inspector about the leaks?

Yup. On average, 300 people in the US are killed by fentanyl every day. Very scary.
I am only giving out chocolate things this year.
I did but he wasnt listening. He heard "they're not done" and that was enough for him.
Trick or treat!
I bought some binaculars. I can see it. I can see one moon. I'll go back out at 10:00. Should see more moons. My son Richard was out at 11:00 last night and saw two moons. I love this stuff.
We haven't been out to look, but #1 took this through his telescope the last time Jupiter was in the news... when Saturn was near it in the sky (Dec, 2020).

You can see 4 moons near Jupiter. The other bright spot is Saturn.
We're so isolated we don't get t-or-t-ers, so no worries that way, and we've never participated so no worries there either. I texted TheKid and told him not to eat any candy he didn't himself purchase from a store - and why.

WHY does it have to be so darn scary to raise kids today? 😔

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