Granny's gone and done it again

Tomorrow is earth day. Does anyone have plans??
I have some seeds sprouting. And some mint and basil cuttings rooting in water. I have to put up a chicken-proof fence around a small area so I can start a little herb garden. Let's see.. dill, thyme and oregano. I want rosemary, too. And California poppy (again) and some Shasta daisies. I also want to get some sunflowers started in my existing mint garden. And marigolds. I don't have much area safe from my chickens. Later I want to transplant all my irises into the fenced garden with the lilies, to keep thrm safe from deer. So ... nothing specifically for tomorrow, but ongoing projects.
Tomorrow is earth day. Does anyone have plans??
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I will be digging in the earth planting more seed for things I like and need to eat. We harvested our first from the garden this afternoon. Just enough edible podded sweet peas for a stir fry for tomorrow's lunch. I will plant some in the morning and then after my cardiologist appoint tomorrow afternoon I hope to finish up the patch of garden I'm working on now. It's been a cool day. Wind blew harder than I like. Rested most of the day when not taking care of chickens. Failed at trying to take an afternoon nap.
Tomorrow is earth day. Does anyone have plans??
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We are putting a vapor barrier in the crawl space tomorrow. Not looking forward to that.
This afternoon I worked in the original garden again. Pulled blackberry plants, weeds, cleaned up leaves and sticks, three garbage cans worth. Plan to plant potatoes back there.
Sweet photo, Granny.

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