Granny's gone and done it again

I want to let my friends here in Granny land know that I am OK. The doctor today was to tell me the results of my bone scan. I have weak bones (osteopenia) in my spine and "mild" osteoporosis in my left hip.
Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle — so brittle that a fall can cause a break. Osteoporosis-related breaks most commonly occur in the hip, wrist or spine. Bone is living tissue that is constantly being broken down and replaced. Osteoporosis occurs when the creation of new bone doesn't keep up with the loss of old bone. I will be taking medication for it and being careful not to fall.
I want to let my friends here in Granny land know that I am OK. The doctor today was to tell me the results of my bone scan. I have weak bones (osteopenia) in my spine and "mild" osteoporosis in my left hip.
Osteoporosis causes bones to become weak and brittle — so brittle that a fall can cause a break. Osteoporosis-related breaks most commonly occur in the hip, wrist or spine. Bone is living tissue that is constantly being broken down and replaced. Osteoporosis occurs when the creation of new bone doesn't keep up with the loss of old bone. I will be taking medication for it and being careful not to fall.
Thank you, glad you are ok.
Do you keep in touch with her? Has she ever wanted to see the children?
For years she hated me and blamed me for taking them away from her, which I didn't, of course. That was so hard bc we had always been so close. But she's on good meds now so we're close again.
How old were they when you got them?
My daughter has mental health issues and had them taken away from her years ago. An accident happened when they were little and one of them was hurt, she's not capable of keeping them safe.
Had a sister that had mental issues too. The state was ready to take her boy, but I stopped that. Said he's coming here. I have an Aunt that was never able to have children. I helped her get him adopted to her and her husband. He's a big boy in the military now. A Marine. :)
I ran out of my Wellbutrin. Thanks to the people that renew rxs for the doctors, in another town. I guess nurses don't take care of that any more.
I saw the doctor today, my pulse is low, 50. No wonder I am tired and dizzy. I think a nap is in order.
I just got my Celexa today.
Five would be impossible. They have two siblings the courts wouldn't give us. Broke my heart to break them up. But one was doing really well in the foster home where he was, and totally grew up there. The other ... had special needs and we could not have met those needs here. These two are doing well here, and we've kept all the kids in touch, best we could. Shrug. You just do the best you can and the Lord provides.
12 was tough.

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