Granny's gone and done it again

this is the brand I get. Also for my greens. The other brands are too hot/spicy
I know to prep the bed for onions next fall. I need to kill all the grass and weeds then. I've got a piece of tarp that is black on one side I'm going to cover it with to kill any early sprouting grass or weeds come spring. When it is time to plant I'll use some of the thing black biodegradable mulch film I have to keep them dying while the onions grow big enough they can overcome the competition.
Do you grow the sweet onions?
Yes when I can. We do use the keeper type cooking onions in the okra salad.
If you are southern enough you will put it on top of black eyed peas that are being cooked from fresh. You can then stick a fork right behind the stem and eat the whole pod with one bite. It will go down faster than a baby oyster.
my ex MIL was a good cook. I loved so many of her things. The corn she would cut half of it off into a skillet then come back and scrape the ear again getting all the pulp and juices. Then she would cook it in some water and butter and I assume salt and pepper then thicken it with corn starch omg yum I also loved her Brunswick stew.She would freeze that in little containers and freeze it. We would empty her freezer pretty quick! lol

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