grannys gone and done it

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about 100 miles or a little more to the east and south of me. And to be honest I totally agree there should be NO pipelines ran under water.

there was something in the paper today but was unable to read it as the ink ran and pages were stuck together.

Clearly a government conspiracy to keep you from being informed - it was just made to look like a completely coincidental rainstorm at paper time

I like that idea Twist. the tanks. I used my new chair today to make taco meat. worked pretty good.

Yay - so glad it's working out!

Ah, the lap of luxury... It's great when you know they will be treated well.

It really did - Nugget was DS's special bird so it had to be the right fit for her to go to any home and seeing that left us both with happy hearts.
Im liking grocery shopping once a month. Not my fav thing to do.

Absolutely! Life is so much easier with meal planning and planned shopping - though I don't have it down to quite just once a month, as soon as I find my second fridge/freezer, though, it's on because then I can stock up a bit more at one time beyond just pantry items.
This is the first time in my life doing this and I can see it completely back firing on me but I put a parent control on all the video games and devices today... Everything shuts off at 7. I'm not looking forward to the retaliation.....
Retaliate and it gets worse in my house -- I'll take them all completely until you are ready to be happy to be able to use them until 7.
Alas, no beach trip for me today.........DH isn't feeling 100%, he seems mystified as to why, I suspect it may be a touch of brown bottle flu from having a little too much of a good time with his dad last night. Normally I'd be, "too bad, that's self-inflicted so suck it up and let's go" or be irritated that he'd opt to have that much fun when we had plans the next day, but this was his first real cutting loose time with his dad and sort of a celebration of being able to do that since we live here now so I can't be too bothered. It's probably just as well since DS starts school tomorrow and we'd have to cut things short to be sure we got home at a decent time tonight so he could be well rested for tomorrow. Maybe next Sunday.
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went to TSC bought two bags of feather fixer on sale for 15.00 2 bales of pine shavingig on sale 4.99 each and I bough no chickens or useless stuff. Yeah Me.
Now home to light a fire under my DH butt. We have alot of to do. Dang Nab Costco closed today and I need fuel.
I cant find the yellow unless they were warblers. Danna should know for sure. It wasnt the indigo but the blue bunting, much darker.
Thank you Jane, Thanks to everyone trying to make me feel better.

Got it. I didn't realize there was a difference between blue and indigo birds. Even though both are buntings, they are classified in a different genus.

Hope you have some fun with the family. We are having a quiet day at home. I took Ming up to the garden to water. Seramas alert called the whole time, until i/persuaded them to move elsewhere with some sprinkles from the hose. Ming roamed around inside the fencing, with bad dog Belle following her every move. Then I let Ming climb around in the big oak, but several scrub jays were screaming at her, so not much fun being a predator around here! So relieved the woman came to get my EE cockerel this morning. She thought he was pretty and handled him very calmly, so think he is in good hands. Hope she'll call back about wanting a Serama or two!
went to TSC bought two bags of feather fixer on sale for 15.00 2 bales of pine shavingig on sale 4.99 each and I bough no chickens or useless stuff. Yeah Me.
Now home to light a fire under my DH butt. We have alot of to do. Dang Nab Costco closed today and I need fuel.

I got some of that feather fixer last week. Is it supposed to be a supplement or the main feed? Surly teenage put the bag in garbage storage can before I could read the label. I gave them some, but they do not seem impressed. They all look so ratty... at least the older ones do.
OMG. YALL. I just made the best red beans and rice of my entire life!! It's SO. Perfect.


Wish I could try it. Are those mushrooms?

Sausage. Mushrooms would be good! It's the very easiest thing. Here's what I did tonight:

2 packs andouille sausage (any smoked sausage works)
3 cans of light red kidney beans
1 can of mild rotel

Season to taste (I used seasoned salt, dehydrated onion flakes, paprika, coarse salt, and parsley). I added two packs of sodium-free chicken bouillon mixed with two cups of water, then added enough water to almost cover everything. Cook on high for 6 hours.

30 minutes before serving I added two cups of dry rice. Served with green salad. :D

I don't usually use the rotel, but it was really good!
Quote: Thank you. Guess I could have looked it up too.
Need to take my brain into the shop for a tune up!
Interesting that is says for chickens over 4 months. I have other food on offer, but hope it doesn't mess up my 2 younger pullets. Not quite 4 months yet.
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