grannys gone and done it

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Newfie, I've had a family of little bats under my carport for years. This is the first summer they didn't return. Stupid drought.

I adore bats - we, too, lost one of our usual families this year - our pair of ducks that usually spend the summer on our pond, raising their family for that year, were no-shows --- I keep telling myself they just found another place to go, not that anything bad happened to them.
Granny, that's horrible what happened. Compared to me, you've lived like 3 lifetimes, and you're not done yet. No more teasing about that from me.
Just got back from running to the store to get water, Granny, I don't think you were being rude, that was just your opinion and I understand it. Wishing, I put them back 30 mins ago.

Granny, if it is illigal the would probably kill it if you got it as a baby and raised it. Usally they are deemed "to reliant" on you and can't fend for themselves. I know here, as long as they are not living in the house and coming to you for food every day it is alright to keep.
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