grannys gone and done it

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The sun came out!! :celebrate

My little barnyard mix pullet Herkey. Definitely showing her australorp characteristics. Other parts are with buff orpington, Rhode Island Red, or a combination.

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I have English Springer Spaniels the field line not show. Field line is bred for temperament, brains, and performance in the field aka hunting ability, and desire to please. No real size/height requirements. In other words looks are way down on the list. I am a confirmed puppy slut. 2 years since the last litter. I also call springers Velcro dogs!!! They need to be with people I refuse to sell a pup so someone who is going to keep them in a kennel in the back yard. They also can be very high energy. Think I am going to do a "field Dock" this time you leave about 2/3 of the tail.
Orginally springers and cockers were the same breed and the name depended on their size. My brother has a black lab which I swear is also half black angus (monster dog) able to clear off a coffee table with one swipe of his tail. Knock over children and bruise/ maim people with the tail. Not a lot of wild boar out here. Yet anyway I understand they are moving this way though. I have pups in TX, Az , Wisc , Minn , Wy , S Dak , Colorado, Mo and soon maybe Ohio and Indiana.
I can think of quite a few breeds that have not been helped by the AKC. What you are breeding for is how most of the breeds came about in the first place, and I think it's great you take the time to find appropriate homes for them. So many people get frustrated owning bored working dogs, who aren't worked, and develop unwanted behaviors. Not the dog's fault! There is a guy in our county that has a pack of working rat terriers (mostly rats, some mixed) and his business is rat removal from farms and rural properties. There was a picture of him with 4 very satisfied looking dogs and at least 75 dead rats lined up. Good advertising and he has enough business that he can turn down people who refuse to make changes (cleaning up junk, proper feed storage..) that discourage rats from returning.

I like the field dock. Little more tail makes for easier doggie communication.

I hope, when the happy time comes, you will share puppy pictures with us.

(Nevermind, saw that you would post a link for pups.)
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thank you suzierd, wishing, no i didnt. i didnt even take the picture myself. I know how to get them from my files to here and thats about it.

Well, that's half the battle done! I have to say, most of what little I can do on the computer has been motivated by being on BYC. I don't do facebook or any other social media stuff, and it was wanting to play with the little smilies on here that finally got me to make the leap out of lurkdom. Luckily there are a few folks (everyone!) around here who know more than me and are willing to help.
Twist, Why in the world would i want your pants ?
even if i could get into them ,I dont paint !!! LOL I do however need your address, Please. I have it here somewhere in the barn and it is cold outside so will you pm it to me?
OMG read your post to quick the first time and thought you wanted to buy my bRitches. Thought well painters pants from walmart cost me about 15.00 plus shipping. Figured 25.00 should cover it. Stopped at vets on Monday they will do toes and tails for about 20.00 per pup. so going to go that way this time. Now its starting to look like maybe Missalette is preggers as well UFFDA 2 litters -- 2 to 3 weeks apart and me with only 1 welping/puppy pen. Hope maybe its just a sympathany preggers or a "hay" belly". I will post a link to the pups after they get here. Made 22 1/2 dozen of my grandmother molasses cookies yesterday. Fudge today. Then more cookies about 200 dozen or so and carmels, and pizells and maybe krumkake now that I have access to farm cream. motel is busier then ever only had 1 empty rooms the entire month of November. Give a little care package of fudge,carmels, & cookies to all of my monthly renters and other long termers. Last year ended up with a blister on my cookie scooper finger and then a callus which of course has gone away and will have to build up another one.

The village is beautiful !!!!!!!!
thank you, what is a pizzle? I am glad you have been full-up.
I am glad all the chickens are feeling better. I had a weird day. Had to go to one town where the bank is then another to grocery shop. Tom asked for a pain pill before we left and I though we took the same kind so i grabbed him one of mine being closer and we were on our way out the door. I even asked him if they were the same and he told me yes. went to the bank , got to town , started to get out of the car and he says, "I dont feel good" he was trembling and sick to his stomach so i thought he must be having a sugar drop. I loaded him up on sugar and we waited. Nope was getting worse. so instead of grocerys it was KFC again. then home. heart was ok, sugar was a little high from all the crap i gave him. best guess, I over dosed him.
Picked up my son and back to the first town for a couple things to do us until i can make it back to the grocery store. then i was finally able to eat breakfast. I just checked his meds. same dosage but totaly different med. he is fine now, btw. Lesson for the day, dont EVER share your meds with someone else !!
someone is having ," The most handsome rooster contest" You guys should go enter, I did ! winner (in feb.) will get a painting of their roo !
thanks, I never win anything. LOL thought you guys would go enter? well, I candled and the 4 due for lockdown this weekend look dead. the 4 i have in there with mine are on day 5 they look like the others did on day 5, little veins seem to be heading to the top of the egg. my layer eggs I cant see anything they are too dark. so i am looking for reasons for mid-term death. I will run my eggs and see if they do the same or not. Frosty has drug her bed under the Christmas tree. she has stayed under there most the day
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