Grass clippings no no

Pampered chicken girl

I can't control their fear, only my own
Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
I've been trying to feed my girls more natural diets and have been giving them grass I pull up from around the run and I scattered it in the run (since they killed all the grass in the run). Well today I was checking on the girls and noticed that one of my pullets did not look right. When I checked her over I noticed what I thought was poop and feathers stuck to her vent, when I went to clean her I seen that it was coming from inside her vent. I pulled it gently and it finally came out...a nearly 1½ inch long tangle of grass and poop. I am glad I checked her and needless to say I am not giving grass clippings anymore
I've been trying to feed my girls more natural diets and have been giving them grass I pull up from around the run and I scattered it in the run (since they killed all the grass in the run). Well today I was checking on the girls and noticed that one of my pullets did not look right. When I checked her over I noticed what I thought was poop and feathers stuck to her vent, when I went to clean her I seen that it was coming from inside her vent. I pulled it gently and it finally came out...a nearly 1½ inch long tangle of grass and poop. I am glad I checked her and needless to say I am not giving grass clippings anymore

I give grass clippings, but I always double-cut my grass -- going over it first at the highest setting and then again at a lower setting. That makes for shorter clippings.

Some birds do have trouble with long strands of grass as opposed to short clippings from frequently-cut lawns.
Do you provide grit? Chickens aren't designed to eat grass like that. They need small pieces
Yes grit is always available plus they have 2 sand pits which they eat to. I also have seen that pullet eat the grit so I know she was getting some. I will probably feed alfalfa cubes or pellets with water next time since it will be chopped up
Yes grit is always available plus they have 2 sand pits which they eat to. I also have seen that pullet eat the grit so I know she was getting some. I will probably feed alfalfa cubes or pellets with water next time since it will be chopped up
How about starting a fodder system where you sprout grains for them, that would be good.
I give grass clippings, but I always double-cut my grass -- going over it first at the highest setting and then again at a lower setting. That makes for shorter clippings.

Some birds do have trouble with long strands of grass as opposed to short clippings from frequently-cut lawns.
Yes they weren't from mowing I was just pulling up the grass sometimes with roots and sometimes not for them

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