Grave injury that has an amazing ending!


7 Years
Nov 2, 2012
While re-doing my deck, one of my Black Marans caught her belly on a protruding nail. I was not there when it happened, but I came around the corner to find her hiding in my tomato cages I'd taken up for the winter, with all her intestines hanging out. I caught her before the other hens saw her and my mind started racing. She was my favorite hen! She lays HUGE chocolate brown eggs. I looked for my son so he could put an end to her suffering. He wasn't home. I couldn't do it myself. So I went into action. Took her into the kitchen and washed the intestines off with water as they were a little dirty. I made a mixture of antibiotic soap and water to rinse them. Then another rinse with just clean water. I then stuffed them back through the hole into her body cavity. I had to close the hole so I found some thread and a needle. I have a difficult time threading the needle, but she held still as if she knew I was helping her. She was upside down under my left arm while I took 15 minutes to thread. Then I got her on the table on a towel, I put in about 10 stitches. I was out of iodine and antibiotics so I put her in a box and headed to Tractor supply.
After getting back I gave her some penicillin and sprayed her wound with iodine. Kept her warm in the box for a couple days. She was pooping normally, besides a bit of liquid but I was happy to see things working. I moved her to the garage alone so she could roost on some firewood. She started eating some yogurt and flax seed. Then a little scratch. I took her to the coop after a week and she really perked up to be with the other hens. I sprayed the wound twice a day and after 10 days took out the stitches. She lost some weight but was eating and acting fine! It's been a month now and yesterday she laid her first egg since the injury! So happy she survived! Thought I'd share my miracle hen! I love my black marans!
This is a great story! Most importantly you did all the right things you needed to do, congratulations on a job well done! It's really nice to hear about good outcomes in this section of the BYC forum.
You did a superb job! Kudos to you for going that extra distance to helping your hen out. She is sure lucky to have such a great mom. :) :) :)
All has been said that can be about your miracle girl... I am so very happy as to the outcome, you were brave and very quick thinking to do all that you did to save her life - does BYC offer awards to those that go the extra mile? You deserve one!!!!!!

Does she have a name ??????

If not she deserves a special name.......

Well done!!!

Thanks so much all of you! Her name is now Mira! For miracle girl. She's rewarding me with a large chocolate egg almost every day now. She comes running every morning I go out to the coop. She's the first one out ready for her breakfast. I think she is grateful!

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