Great Depression of 2016

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Has anyone heard the expression, 'Careless talk costs lives.'? It was a government slogan in WW11 used to discourage the sort of gossip and 'tittle tattle' that could give the enemy the advantage. I think it is vital at this time to present a united and inclusive front and to stand together against whatever life might throw at us. Speaking for myself, I know all societies grumble about immigration and the detrimental affect it might have on jobs and services. We all have our pet dislikes and perceived injustices. We all resent our hard earned taxes being what we feel squandered on those who are perhaps not as deserving as they might be.

Wherever we come from in the world we have countrymen/women who seem not to work as hard, or contribute to society and to let the side down. Having said that they are nevertheless, our countrymen, and I hope that when the chips are down, all civilised countries will close ranks and support each other no matter what. Beware the enemy within. Discussion is great. Different opinions are valuable. But looking in as an outsider, if I was to be asked, I would say that the US could tear itself apart by bitter infighting. I might be a friendly onlooker, but others who also access this site might have different motives. This is a time for conciliation and a mature approach to the difficulties that beset society.
Has anyone heard the expression, 'Careless talk costs lives.'? It was a government slogan in WW11 used to discourage the sort of gossip and 'tittle tattle' that could give the enemy the advantage. I think it is vital at this time to present a united and inclusive front and to stand together against whatever life might throw at us. Speaking for myself, I know all societies grumble about immigration and the detrimental affect it might have on jobs and services. We all have our pet dislikes and perceived injustices. We all resent our hard earned taxes being what we feel squandered on those who are perhaps not as deserving as they might be.

Wherever we come from in the world we have countrymen/women who seem not to work as hard, or contribute to society and to let the side down. Having said that they are nevertheless, our countrymen, and I hope that when the chips are down, all civilised countries will close ranks and support each other no matter what. Beware the enemy within. Discussion is great. Different opinions are valuable. But looking in as an outsider, if I was to be asked, I would say that the US could tear itself apart by bitter infighting. I might be a friendly onlooker, but others who also access this site might have different motives. This is a time for conciliation and a mature approach to the difficulties that beset society.

Could it be that the U.S. doesn't "tear itself apart by bitter infighting" because everyone is allowed to discuss anything ?
Look at countries that tear themselves apart over ethnic or religious differences. They are not talking and discussing because they don't have the freedom to.
Has anyone heard the expression, 'Careless talk costs lives.'? It was a government slogan in WW11 used to discourage the sort of gossip and 'tittle tattle' that could give the enemy the advantage. I think it is vital at this time to present a united and inclusive front and to stand together against whatever life might throw at us. Speaking for myself, I know all societies grumble about immigration and the detrimental affect it might have on jobs and services. We all have our pet dislikes and perceived injustices. We all resent our hard earned taxes being what we feel squandered on those who are perhaps not as deserving as they might be.

Wherever we come from in the world we have countrymen/women who seem not to work as hard, or contribute to society and to let the side down. Having said that they are nevertheless, our countrymen, and I hope that when the chips are down, all civilised countries will close ranks and support each other no matter what. Beware the enemy within. Discussion is great. Different opinions are valuable. But looking in as an outsider, if I was to be asked, I would say that the US could tear itself apart by bitter infighting. I might be a friendly onlooker, but others who also access this site might have different motives. This is a time for conciliation and a mature approach to the difficulties that beset society.

Bitter infighting is what made this country great! Bitter infighting is why we are not still a european colony. Bitter infighting was a major cause of the civil war. Bitter infighting gave us freedom, equality(mostly), and the pursuit of happiness. If you dont want infighting go to Syria or China where the wrong remark could get you years in prison. Just my thoughts though...
We can discuss ideas and opinions fairly freely. Nobody gets hung here for questioning religious beliefs, being different or odd or subscribing to other economic theories. We all have our own ideas and opinions and we respect those of others. We don't have to follow the party line. Our strength is our disunity.
I feel that many people truly know very little of the world outside their own country. Many have never even visited anywhere else. Their view of the world is shaped by what are often frankly biased, incomplete and sometimes patently untrue news broadcasts and media reports. Do you believe your news broadcasts are always fair and even handed? Do you believe that you get an accurate picture of how the rest of the world lives, or do those with vested interests colour the picture in a less favourable light? I think we have to ask ourselves these questions.

Why do we assume that the way we live is the right way and those who live differently are worse off than we? People with different political ideas must also have the right to live in the way they choose and for self determination? Freedom of speech is a fine thing yet is it right to be free to insult, degrade and unjustly accuse others? When we talk of free speech do we not really mean the freedom and confidence to speak out against tyranny, injustice, repression? Should I be free to insult people publicly for their ethnicity or religion? I think not.

Freedom is relative. You have the right to bear arms, I don't. To you that is a vital and pivotal part of your constitution. To me it is a dangerously ludicrous idea. I have the right to decide how many chickens I own, or indeed any other animals, some of you don't. The freedoms that you hold dear might mean nothing to me and the opposite is also true.
I feel that many people truly know very little of the world outside their own country. Many have never even visited anywhere else. Their view of the world is shaped by what are often frankly biased, incomplete and sometimes patently untrue news broadcasts and media reports. Do you believe your news broadcasts are always fair and even handed? Do you believe that you get an accurate picture of how the rest of the world lives, or do those with vested interests colour the picture in a less favourable light? I think we have to ask ourselves these questions.

Why do we assume that the way we live is the right way and those who live differently are worse off than we? People with different political ideas must also have the right to live in the way they choose and for self determination? Freedom of speech is a fine thing yet is it right to be free to insult, degrade and unjustly accuse others? When we talk of free speech do we not really mean the freedom and confidence to speak out against tyranny, injustice, repression? Should I be free to insult people publicly for their ethnicity or religion? I think not.

Freedom is relative. You have the right to bear arms, I don't. To you that is a vital and pivotal part of your constitution. To me it is a dangerously ludicrous idea. I have the right to decide how many chickens I own, or indeed any other animals, some of you don't. The freedoms that you hold dear might mean nothing to me and the opposite is also true.
The people of the US get out an about pretty good. About 20% of the people I know have been over seas. The US its self is huge though with 50 states that are mostly huge countries unto them selves. Each state has its own Constitution an republic style government. I live in Ga but I go to Al an Tn several times a month. I try to hit another state at least once a year. Most cities have cultural centers where everyone is from the same culture. I can go hang out with people from japan any night of the week. I share a fence line with someone from Russia who peeks very little English. I know or have met people from most of the countries in the world. I know people that are a part of most religions. I don't much trust the news but I have the option of watching unfiltered news as it was broadcast from a number of countries.

The whole idea behind the US is to be a place where every culture is welcome an free to do what they want. I am sure I could learn about one country much better by going to it but I have the ability to learn the basics of most cultures any night of the week.

The Constitution was not about rights ether when it was wrote. It was a restriction on federal power at the time it was wrote. The States an local communities could ban anything they wanted. Over time we have turned these federal restrictions in to rights all people hold. This was done threw votes (an wars) that crossed many cultures

The second amendment on the other hand is more than a right, its an obligation. Every male of fighting age is required to be a part of the militia. At 17 every male is required to register for the draft. An even though it has never been enforced, every male of fighting age sense 1792 is required to be armed an trained in those arms.

The first amendment does have some restrictions. There is very little you cant say but you are liable for what happens cause of what you said. (yelling fire in a theater) You are free to insult anyone you want though. I have been called a lot of things in my life. I have no use for the people that did it but but I will defend their right to. The Westboro baptist church proves how free we are in that regard.
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