Great Depression of 2016

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Just for the record, we didn't do all of those.

Do you think if the Japanese had stopped their aggression that we would have continued with the sanctions ? There would have been no more need to continue.

What if we had ignored what Japan was doing, and not helped England, the Free French, and Russia ? If the Axis powers had defeated England and Russia, who would have been left to help us against the Axis powers when the came for us ?
I get your point an we could debate that but the whole idea that sent us down this rabbit hole is that you cant supply a war an not be part of that war. If we supply a war we are part of that war an have good odds of being dragged in to the fighting..
Germany and Italy were only treaty bound to come to the defense of Japan if Japan was attacked.

The agreement with the Russians was that they would enter the war against Japan 6 months after the end of the war in Europe.
Yep, but Japan had people meet with Hitler the day after the bombing to get him to keep our Atlantic fleet busy so Japan could take over the Pacific with its navy. We can assume that Japans land army being used in the north was part of that agreement. Took 3 days to work it out...
Didn't the Russians and Chinese supply North Vietnam without getting dragged in ?
We have supplied Israel though their wars.

We can't decide what to do always, by what someone else will think of it.
If we had done nothing then wouldn't that have been the same as saying we don't care what the Japanese did ?
Not saying we should or should not get involved, just saying you cant be on the supply side of a war an expect to not be dragged in to it. You might get away with it but you should not expect too.
Posted on my FB this morning...I have to agree with a friend's statement........

" Apparently, there is a segment of America that thinks minimum-wage adults are the scourge of the country and it turned my stomach like a lemon in milk. Minimum wage shouldn't be a living wage? Really? Who made that rule? Was it the same guy that shipped our middle income jobs overseas and replaced 90% of them with minimum wage jobs? Who? The same people that sold a lie to Americans that they could afford to live in more expensive homes, that their home would be as valuable and sell like hotcakes if the market turned, and as we all found out, the market did turn, and people lost their homes, their jobs that supported their neighborhoods, jobs flew overseas, the supporting businesses just faded away, and the only thing left were some burger-*******-flipping jobs with 1000 applications for every position. So, excuse me if I don't look down my nose at those who decided that they'd put one foot in front of the other, no matter how many steps backwards they had to take, but at least they're doing something. Some working two. Others working three, because the market allows employers to screw employees out of benefits if they keep them under 30 hours. It's not the first time we've heard of this. It's just the first time it's happened so rampantly. So, yes, while I lean a little right, there's a lot of me that still leans left, and there is no such thing as a Reagan Republican or a Kennedy Democrat anymore. It's time we all forwarded our clocks 30 years and figured out another way to fix this mess, because the median income is down, and that's a key indicator that something has to give. "
Posted on my FB this morning...I have to agree with a friend's statement........

" Apparently, there is a segment of America that thinks minimum-wage adults are the scourge of the country and it turned my stomach like a lemon in milk. Minimum wage shouldn't be a living wage? Really? Who made that rule? Was it the same guy that shipped our middle income jobs overseas and replaced 90% of them with minimum wage jobs? Who? The same people that sold a lie to Americans that they could afford to live in more expensive homes, that their home would be as valuable and sell like hotcakes if the market turned, and as we all found out, the market did turn, and people lost their homes, their jobs that supported their neighborhoods, jobs flew overseas, the supporting businesses just faded away, and the only thing left were some burger-*******-flipping jobs with 1000 applications for every position. So, excuse me if I don't look down my nose at those who decided that they'd put one foot in front of the other, no matter how many steps backwards they had to take, but at least they're doing something. Some working two. Others working three, because the market allows employers to screw employees out of benefits if they keep them under 30 hours. It's not the first time we've heard of this. It's just the first time it's happened so rampantly. So, yes, while I lean a little right, there's a lot of me that still leans left, and there is no such thing as a Reagan Republican or a Kennedy Democrat anymore. It's time we all forwarded our clocks 30 years and figured out another way to fix this mess, because the median income is down, and that's a key indicator that something has to give. "

Maybe it was the people that thought there would be no harm in buying the cheaper goods made overseas. The people made companies move or die. The people that think a minimum wage job should pay enough to support a family today, even though it has never been that way.
Employer provided healthcare was always an incentive from companies to attract good workers. Who decided that all employers are forced to provide it ?

So who was it that decided low price was more important then domestic jobs ?????????????? Those people turn my stomach !!!!!!
I get your point an we could debate that but the whole idea that sent us down this rabbit hole is that you cant supply a war an not be part of that war. If we supply a war we are part of that war an have good odds of being dragged in to the fighting..

Yes, and in fact providing materiel to one side and not the other is generally perceived as a violation of neutrality.

The Axis would likely not have invaded the US - the supply line would have been to long.

The US learned *after* the Cold War that any efforts to actually land on or invade the United States mainland - including Alaska - were never on the table. Apparently Soviet spies had terrified the Kremlin with the fact that the US oppressed workers were heavily armed, in contrast to the elevated workers of the Soviet Union who were disarmed by their government. It seems they feared being sniped at from behind every bush, and from every urban window.
Maybe it was the people that thought there would be no harm in buying the cheaper goods made overseas. The people made companies move or die. The people that think a minimum wage job should pay enough to support a family today, even though it has never been that way.
Employer provided healthcare was always an incentive from companies to attract good workers. Who decided that all employers are forced to provide it ?

So who was it that decided low price was more important then domestic jobs ?????????????? Those people turn my stomach !!!!!!

They're the same ones who want more H1-Bs and wish to offer illegal aliens a "path to citizenship." Personally, I think the CEOs and hiring managers who hire illegal aliens should be prosecuted and given at least five years in prison. I also think that high technology and others who insist on hiring H1-Bs should be required to advertise their positions nationally here in the United States. Did you know that the very companies that claim a shortage of engineering talent do not even advertise their job openings in the US - they advertise them directly overseas after obtaining an H1-B authorization?
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