great, now Alabama is involved

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My friend that WERE here illegally went to the County office at the county seat and applied for citizenship. They were given a list of classes, as well as a time frame to complete them along with a test date. They paid a modest fee of $55. The test was $285, not so modest I agree but doable. They did the classes, took the test and then an oath as a new citizen. 6 months total. Maybe CA is different. We specialize in that.
A choice my mom made when I was a minor cost her her life along with my little sisters life too. A defining moment in my life.

Every choice you make has consequences for you an everyone around you. You don't get to use the effects on others as a free pass out of the consequences of your bad choices.

Also, you cant "good" your way out of being a criminal. At least not until you take the punishment for the crime.
And don't forget we get a lot of illegal immigrants from Canada too. But people are more worried about the immigrants from down south. Is it because Canadian culture is so much like american culture? or is it because of skin color or a mix?

Bingo! Kristy gets the prize for the evening, I do believe she has hit the nail on the head!
The Irish were villified because they were Catholic and looked down upon by our Anglo-Christian forefathers. After the Irish it was the Central/Eastern Europeans(which alot of my heritage would be in that group). Lets not forget early in the last centruy many Jews tried to emigrate from Central Europe when the Fascists took over in a very legal way and were denied solely on the point of them being Jewish....
We are a country that accepts all comers, we always have been. Its amazing that citizens of other countries around the world would do anything, and I mean anything to step foot on our shores but so many here take it as a birthright and do absolutely nothing with it, or have such a sense of entitlement they think good hard work is below them.
Sorry, my rant of that night. I will sit down and shut it now
Fact: the Hispanics are here for the jobs and money. Reasons they are not accepted: They have not assimilated into American culture, language barriers, cultural practices, and yes some are bigoted and if it wasn't for the money they would not be here. Take away the jobs and they will leave as very few illegals love this country they are here for what they can get they pay no taxes and take all they can get with out paying back only to send money home. The Mexicans in Mexico that have money and jobs do not come here.

I have a friend who is a legal Hispanic and he goes home once a year to visit his family, give them money and bail his brother out of jail by bribery.

I am glad to see Alabama doing something, a trend that is gaining in popularity.

As for the "children" we separate children from parents all the time in this country so why is that even a concern? You rob a bank you get separated, you go to jail you get separated.

Now to those that obey the laws you are welcomed here, unfortunately it is your illegals that tarnish your reputation.
i don't know any americans who would actually take those job and not quit within the week, my family came to this country as refugees after helping the americans fight the vietnam war and we r here legally but it saddens me to see that everyone here is all about themselves, my tax money this my government assistant money that, i do think that what u said about the government is most likely true, i'm not saying that taking our money isn't wrong but i just feel bad for them, all of us americans came here for something be it for oppression, money, gold, religion ect we came here to have a better life so lets let our immigration process go more smoother, anyways the only trueblooded americans r native americans, and not to offend anybody else but the rest of us r just artificial anyways i feel this thread is gonna get locked soon
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I was born here does that make me a Native American? I find it interesting that Native Americans use the term American as that is a European given name the same as Indian which Columbus called the people here because he thought he was in India. Why is it that someone who wants a say in how their taxes are spent are called selfish or all about themselves? Most know nothing of their generosity or how much they actually give. Some people give out of a Biblical principal/perspective which says to be discrete about it , give in secret so your Lord can reward you openly.
i don't know any americans who would actually take those job and not quit within the week, my family came to this country as refugees after helping the americans fight the vietnam war and we r here legally but it saddens me to see that everyone here is all about themselves, my tax money this my government assistant money that, i do think that what u said about the government is most likely true, all of us americans came here for something be it for oppression, money, gold, religion ect we came here to have a better life so lets let our immigration process go more smoother, anyways the only trueblooded americans r native americans, and not to offend anybody else but the rest of us r just artificial
i don't know any americans who would actually take those job and not quit within the week, my family came to this country as refugees after helping the americans fight the vietnam war and we r here legally but it saddens me to see that everyone here is all about themselves, my tax money this my government assistant money that, i do think that what u said about the government is most likely true, all of us americans came here for something be it for oppression, money, gold, religion ect we came here to have a better life so lets let our immigration process go more smoother, anyways the only trueblooded americans r native americans, and not to offend anybody else but the rest of us r just artificial

by blood ur not aboriginal, ur mostly what should be called colonial whites
when i'm talkin bout the natives i meant to say the ones who happened to cross Bering Strait who happened to live there for tens of thousands of years, u can go and deny their name all u want but u know very well that u and my ancestors r new to this land which was theirs first in no way u can call urself a native, only a citizen don't abuse the term
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