Great, red mites!

Chickens drying off after bath. I gave them a permitherin based soap bath. Only 1/4 cup soap to 4 gallons of water and I blew dry most of them so they were not cold. I'll let them.first ish drying for a few hours and dust each one with chicken dusting powder and put them back into the run. I'll use neem.oil on the coop once it's here
I already did corrid for 6 days with no relief of symptoms
What dosage of Corid did you use?
I've recently learned to use 1.5 teaspoon/gal for initial treatment instead of 1/2 tsp/gal.

Antibiotics will not treat cocci.

Over-treating can be more harmful than helpful.......throwing too many meds/treatments at once can just throw everything way out of balance.
What dosage of Corid did you use?
I've recently learned to use 1.5 teaspoon/gal for initial treatment instead of 1/2 tsp/gal.

Antibiotics will not treat cocci.

Over-treating can be more harmful than helpful.......throwing too many meds/treatments at once can just throw everything way out of balance.

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