Green Eyed Jurassic Monster Chicks.

They're cute! Love the green eyes! They do look like dinosaurs!!
Call Hollywood - any movie place will want these in the next "B" horror movie! You could make a fortune in royalties!

I can read the headlines now...."NN Take Cardiff - none left alive"!
Just let me know when you're ready Linda and I'll send you a nice supply of Impy fertilized eggs.

Heck, let's kill two birds with one stone - silkie eggs fertilized by Impy.
Let's see pics. of your monsters, Gritsar....are they anywhere near as UGLY as mine????? Tee Hee...The Ugliest Chick Championships. Are yours getting eye cowls? Do they have the ghastly green staring eyes? Seriously, though, are they growing like weeds in the tropics? Fastest growing chicks I have ever had.

Today one of mine stood in the bowl of 'calcium' porridge I give them twice a week....oatmeal plus cuttlefish bone plus roasted eggshell, and could not get out due to his feathery feet. He looked like he was treading quicksand. So mine are ultra stupid, too.(Had to pull him out and wash his feet).

They are very well tolerated by the 4 Brahma boys and Mort (NN roo), so looks like more males won't be an issue.
I don't have many pics yet. We were gone on holiday and still playing catch up since we got home.

Here's the one in my avatar. Her name is Sally and she's a turken over a buff brahma hen:


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