Green legged white chicken


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 20, 2008
Central wisconsin
Hi, I have white pullet with green legs, they are almost olive colored. Can anyone tell me what breed she might be? I got her with a brown egg assortment that I ordered from Mcmurray. Thanks in advance.
Umm, Ameraucanas don't have green legs. Easter Eggers do. You have a mutt, not an Ameraucana.

A white chicken with green legs can be an Easter Egger, though in a brown egg laying assortment it may or may not be. . .
can we see a pic ? does it have a beard or poofy cheeks ? what kind of comb does it have ? Mcmurry loves to send EE roos as the "free" exotic chick (you still have to feed the free ones)
Does she have muffs or a beard? My Easter Egger from MPC has green legs and is solid white.


This is my Lily at about 10 weeks.

Can you post a picture? Lily has a single rose comb.

Originally, I wasn't interested in white chickens. But I've fallen in love with my Delaware (bought her specifically due to all the nice things folks on BYC said about Delawares), which broke the Anti-White dam. I have been drooling over white EEs for quite some time. Finally found some as chicks, but they haven't stayed white.

Yours is gorgeous!
There is a hatchery that is selling a chicken that they call a Redleg. It looks to be some kind of leghorn type chicken that has green legs. I don't understand why it is call a Redleg and have green legs but oh well I guess they can call it whatever they want to. Right now I can't recall what hatchery it is but I look it up and post later if anyone wants to know.
When I got my EE chicks, one was yellow. She's turned into a white pullet. I don't know if this holds true for all of them or not.

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