Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

I use the cardboard inserts from loo rolls (and some kitchen towel rolls too) to sow my runner and broad beans; my sweetpeas and tomatoes. Saves a fortune on buying 'root trainer' pots and uses a resource that would otherwise go to waste + when I pot on I just plant the whole thing and it disintegrates as my plants grow and there has been no root disturbance. I get my Mum and Mother-in-law both saving their inserts for me, so that puts theirs to good use too.
You can just imagine the original conversations I had when asking them to save the inserts for me! There was a time here when schools could make use of these inserts, particularly in primary/junior schools if they had to build things in the classroom. Now the Health and Safety brigade have got involved and schools are no longer allowed to make use of this free resource. My SIL is a primary teacher and told me that using something so readily available and free has been banned. Yes, it doesn't make sense to me either.

Our girls nest on straw and once a week they get a total clean out. The straw then gets put into one of two dedicated compost bins before ending up as mulch on the existing veg patch.

I know some people use shredded paper in their compost bins and understand that this is okay so long as there is nothing of a shiny hue, such as pamphlets or magazines, in the mix. Again I get Mum and the in-laws saving all their shredded stuff and I use it instead of cat litter in our cat's trays. If anyone really wants to try to put all the shredded pieces back together after our 6 have 'decorated' it, well they are very welcome. Personally, I think I'd give it a miss. That was another 'interesting' conversation x 2, but it gets rid of all their shredded paperwork and our cats love using it + its a darned sight cheaper than buying commercial cat litter.

I use the dead stuff from the garden, twigs, small branches sawn up etc for kindling for our open fire each winter. The larger stuff I saw up and use as logs. Anything else worth reusing in other ways often end up as supports for plants etc. My spent compost from pots ends up on the veg/salad patch and I got a couple of comfrey plants to make my own liquid fertiliser + use a wormery.

All this happens despite having on going problems with a scarily sited garden - on the side of a disused quarry - and things having got well out of hand since my husband had a stroke. He used to do all the heavy work, now despite my own physical problems I have to take that on, a little bit at a time.
One thing that concerns me about the tube thing is if they have perfume paper on them won't that be unsafe?

Going to be freezing here again. Buds on all the plants. What will happen to my berry plants?
Ah, I can see your point. Hopefully if you were collecting the inserts over a period of time, any perfume might disapate or do the inserts get impregnated with it? It's not a problem for us - I am very allergic to perfumes, so its boring bog standard loo rolls for us!
Just wanted to share my 6 x 8 greenhouse with everyone. It is packed full, and in the next few days I hope to start setting the tomatoes and squash out in the garden.
Temps are dropping like crazy I had to go get my tortoise in since they say it will be 32 tonight . Man does it kill my back to lift him Can't wait to see how this plays out with my plants Pretty much everything I put in the ground so far are cold weather crops.My peas and some of my shallots are already up. Good luck to night if you are getting frost
It was 25 when I got up today. My truck in the driveway didn't have any frost on it or did the roof of the house. Too dark to see anything else.

UPDATE...since it got light the frost has collected everywhere.
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Well it did freeze here and I have put the hose out already. But such is life. I haven't run it out to the garden yet. One thing I've decided is that short lengths are better if you have a long way to go.

For me it means more to roll up but easier in doing so at the end of the season.

I cut my Daffodils and brought those in for all to enjoy before the frost killed them. I noticed the tulips are done in.

I've got chicks coming out of my ears and have offered them for free to NY byc members. Mostly black orp splits or EE's I think. I'm keeping the Dels of course and a couple of lavs and buffs.

I have two black orp roos in the mess and expect they were busy. Not sure how that works with who is your daddy if more than one roos gets to the hen. I do know there were a lav orp and white orp in there for a while before I sold them.

I will watch the reports and decide to plant lettuce or not. The spinach and swiss chard hadn't sprouted yet. There is garlic coming up though.
I put in garlic (5 different types) for the first time this Nov and can't wait to see how it does..Hopefully the mild winter didn't effect it.It's about six inches high.Peas are up, nothing else though.
I just went around our farmers market and bought garlic from a variety of people and planted it. It is coming up of course. There are also a few from last year coming up in the old bed. I rotate you know.

I plan to plant some other things and cover them with my mini milk jug green houses. Seeds are cheap enough and if they grow fine if not I'll start them again. I don't need a field full of veggies just a few for the house.

The berries are still ok and I do hope for a few or enough for jam. We are down to our last jar of applesauce but mainly to giving it away rather than eating it.

rainy and cold here.

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