Green thumb is itching, anyone else?

I have a small patch of wild asparagus on my new place, growing next to my irrigated alfalfa field. How do I encourage it?
I have read about wild asparagus but have never seen it. I suppose in some areas it's more (what ever the word is ) to have it go wild.
I have some asparagus outside of the beds I planted that I think was planted by people before I owned this property, it has been there for 15 yrs that I know about and it has never gone invasive. I isn't wild, that might make a difference I don't know?
I think what is growing in your sisters yard is Japanese Knotweed .Would have to see it People call it Wild Asparagus(not related to asparagus at all) it is very invasive .The new shoots are edible in early spring. Some states have banned the planting of it since it is so invasive

About that asparagus ~ I've been kind of afraid to try it cuz a house my sister moved into had it growing all over the place - even in the lawn !! Won't it spread out of control ? Maybe a raised bed is the answer but how much would you get out of a 4' x 4' ? And wow - it really takes that long for a harvest, huh?
Holy cow BUGS BUGS EVERY WHERE! This warm "spring" has brought out the bugs. Went to visit grandpa and while away the caterpillars played. Stripped my blueberries to sticks. Those black beetles our "smart" government imported to get rid of the kudzu are taking out just about everything else. (would think they learned their lesson with the japanese beetles) Well time to mix up some soap cuz the aphids are out too. Poor me going to have to go work outside all day in the pretty sun.
I think what is growing in your sisters yard is Japanese Knotweed .Would have to see it People call it Wild Asparagus(not related to asparagus at all) it is very invasive .The new shoots are edible in early spring. Some states have banned the planting of it since it is so invasive

Thank you! Hoping you're right cuz I'm more willing to try it now. And because I live in Minnesota there is NO year round anything growing here! Pots can't even be brought into a garage unless there is some sort of heat supply. Feels like the arctic circle most winters. Wah, wah, wah...
Holy cow BUGS BUGS EVERY WHERE! This warm "spring" has brought out the bugs. Went to visit grandpa and while away the caterpillars played. Stripped my blueberries to sticks. Those black beetles our "smart" government imported to get rid of the kudzu are taking out just about everything else. (would think they learned their lesson with the japanese beetles) Well time to mix up some soap cuz the aphids are out too. Poor me going to have to go work outside all day in the pretty sun.

There was a news article last night on our local news that said this is going to be a very bad tick year, but you will never guess why! Appearently 2010 was an exceptionally good year for acorn production, which in turn lead to an over population of rodents, leading to too many ticks and when nature adjusts the rodent population back down to normal numbers the ticks are going to be looking for other warm blooded hosts!
I have some asparagus outside of the beds I planted that I think was planted by people before I owned this property, it has been there for 15 yrs that I know about and it has never gone invasive. I isn't wild, that might make a difference I don't know?

Well if you've got to much send me some roots for my garden. I'll pay postage of course.
There was a news article last night on our local news that said this is going to be a very bad tick year, but you will never guess why! Appearently 2010 was an exceptionally good year for acorn production, which in turn lead to an over population of rodents, leading to too many ticks and when nature adjusts the rodent population back down to normal numbers the ticks are going to be looking for other warm blooded hosts!

I know Guinea hens are good for that but they are just to noisy for here. I do like them though.

I'd like to put this out there. How much feed do you think the average chicks eats in 5-6 months? Now folks call wanting POL hens. What do think it costs to bring them to that age?
Just don't go digging this stuff up from the wild or even have someone give it to you 'cause once you have it you can't get rid of it very easy. find true asparagus from a farm store or nursery(purple is very pretty)

Thank you! Hoping you're right cuz I'm more willing to try it now. And because I live in Minnesota there is NO year round anything growing here! Pots can't even be brought into a garage unless there is some sort of heat supply. Feels like the arctic circle most winters. Wah, wah, wah...

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