Greetings from SE Georgia

Phenomenal!!! I am new at this and can NOT choose just one. :he
I tried a few other breed's before I settled on the Bielefelder's. I do my own hatching in an incubator and many of the people that want chick's want the girl's only. I got tied of having to grow them out until I could tell what sex that they were, because you have to feed them all until then when they can be bought. Now it's so easy with the Bielefelder's, because I can sex them right away after hatch. The girl's are laying pretty good, and the boy's reach a good size for meat.
Most of us don't choose just one breed. At least the first few flocks, we experiment around and try lots of different breeds. I see a lot of folks apparently mesmerized by the names breeders have given to new color varieties like Sapphire Gems, Lavender anything (it still looks gray to me) and Green Queens.
Yeah, they do to me also.
You have made a couple of solid choices for egg laying, easy keeping and friendly birds (with a potential for dual purpose if you decide).
You should see my second chic cart(s) spread out on the Internet. They include: Sultan, Silkie, Dixie Rainbow, a Brama and a Polish. Waiting on my first set of broodies to hit the coop. Then it is on and popping; er ah clucking!
Good luck! I hope you enjoy your chickens as much as I am enjoying my little flock. Best wishes if you are going to raise some chicks under a broody. I wish I could do that!
Thank you and I plan on it asap. Can't see reason to continue buying from online strangers when/if I have my own lil broody hens. I hear silkies fit that bill and a couple are next on my list. :D

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