Grit substitute?

I'm getting some conflicting information on sand. Should I just go around and try to find a bunch of tiny rocks? Grit is going to be ordered tomorrow.
I’ve never bought specific grit I‘ve either had free range chicks (and a gravel drive way) or I throw scoops of sand from the kids sand box into the runs and I’ve never had a problem.
Grit needs to be a certain size to actually work. If it’s too small, it just passes right through the gizzard without doing its job.
Wrong answer. Almost. But yes, If the grit is microscopic, it won't work on free range food. No grit is needed to commercial feed. But even fine sand/dirt will grind up nearly anything, even bone in a gizzard.
At 60+years of age, I never heard of any one ever buying grit for chickens, turkey or ducks in my life time. That is until the last 20 years when big biz figured out you can sell a fool anything if you just make up a good story with just enough science included. I cant remember who said it but "it's easier to fool someone, than it is to convince them they have been fooled".
A neighbor of mine that was new to raising chickens bought ALL the BS Purina was hawking. Even the grit. Oh, and a silly store bought 20 chicken coop from TSC (coop would hold 8 adult birds). When it came time to slaughter, he needed a lesson so I let him help me do a few in prep for him doing the BIG DEED. When I showed him how to cut, skin and clean out the gizzard, he wanted to know what all that dirt was doing in there. I explained it to him. He said his wouldn't have dirt in them because he feed them Purina grit. :lau I had him go get one of the birds the planned on cooking. And guess what the gizzard looked like? Damn thing looked same as any of my chickens that had never seen any store bought grit.
Whether they eat large grit/rocks or just sand, it all gets pulverized into sand in the gizzard. If they eat dirt, they may eat more each day than they would eating larger rocks/grit. But bottom line, it's all an abrasive that breaks down finer as it grinds whatever the bird eats. And in the end, it comes out their end.

Grit needs to be a certain size to actually work. If it’s too small, it just passes right through the gizzard without doing its job.
This the reality I see. Open a gizzard up and loot at grit particle size. There is a range with a minimum. My clay soil is poorly represented by the anything above the minimum. If the birds can get out at forage, then most of time they can make up the difference.
I have run out of grit and am worried that my girls aren't getting enough. Anything I could use until our order comes?
Good morning! We use construction sand in a wheelbarrow for a dust bath. They eat the 'grit' from that. Construction sand serves double duty! Cheap and excellent dust bath! We buy it from a local construction supply. $8 for several months' worth (about 250 lbs). Plus, they are always eating pebbles and whatever else they need as they range around. We never have to buy grit. Hope that helps!

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